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Everything posted by Landonlee

  1. Wow thank you so much for your quick response. Yes - I had 2 canker sores, not cold sores after using the gloss. One was near my tonsil, another on my gums. I’ve had canker sores in the past but it’s been a year or so since I’ve seen them: It could very well be a coincidence. & yes this is HSV 1 that came back with a positive result. I’m mostly concerned because if this was newly acquired - I’m worried about transmitting it to my boyfriend of a year. I was thinking about taking another blood test in a few weeks to see if the IGG has rises or not. If not, what’re your thoughts on a western blot? Thank you again for the reply. So nice to talk to someone about this!
  2. Hey everyone! So glad I found this forum. I was recently diagnosed via herpes select blood test. No outbreaks and to my knowledge I’ve never had one. I got tested because I used my mom’s lip gloss after her. I noticed she had an outbreak afterward I had already used it. 2 days later I had 2 canker sores in my mouth. Classic canker appearance and I’ve gotten them before. My question is - my IGG index level was 2.01. I got tested 8 days after this exposure. Is it possible to have acquired an IGG level like this so quickly? I’ve read it takes a median of 25 days to seroconvert and the fastest time I’ve read from the beginning of a new outbreak to IGG is 1.1 in 10 days. I know it’s not an exact science - but I would so appreciate any insight! Thank you so much.
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