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Everything posted by AlliKat12

  1. Hello, I tested positive for HSV-1 antibodies in 2015. I believe I got it from a past boyfriend in 2013 who had cold sores but back then I didn't know much about anything. Over the last 6 months, I have been having small papercut like cuts on my perineum and I was instructed by a doctor to just keep putting hydrocortisone on them so they would heal. It didn't occur to me that they would be herpes because I've never had an outbreak, ever. About 2 weeks ago, I started getting bigger cuts and small blisters in the same area and finally got them tested and it was positive for HSV-1. I am now on a 15 day cycle of Valtrex and everything seems to be healing good but I still have pain as the new skin heals. I just had a few questions. If my cuts that I've had over the last 6 months were herpes and I didn't realize it, I'm assuming there is a chance that my boyfriend of 4 years could have HSV-1 orally now? Should we wear condoms every single time we have intercourse now and is having oral sex still an option? Since I have genital HSV-1, is it still spread through my saliva? Is it weird that it took 7 years for my first outbreak to happen? My doctors prescribed me 3 refills of Valtrex ( twice daily for 3 days). Is it better to take them everyday or just when you think you're about to have an outbreak. Thank you to whoever can answer my questions. It's been a stressful two weeks.
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