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  1. Thanks for the welcome and the words WCSD... I'm female. He and I tested together and I'm H-. The perspective samples are helpful, but I know at the moment, he'd feel guilty as all get out exposing me to any risk at all. Sure, I could decide to accept the risk. But I'm hoping for an angle that would convince him that the risk could be null. Maybe that angle doesn't exist. And perhaps we're being overly concerned anyway if those ppl w/outbreaks can regularly engage in spite of shedding. Why can't we do the same? And re: the alcohol, I actually use it on my lady bits regularly with no issue. I use it in place of feminine wipes and even get a bit in the mucous membrane area. Gives a very slight tingle but the main thing is that any and all scent that I may have had is gone. So I do an alcohol slather followed by a water slather and feel like I just took a full on shower. Actually better. And I imagine the application for him would be similarly easy. I sorely wish there were a way to know more about the shedding process. There must be some DIY way or agent to apply to one's skin to confirm shedding. Or there should be. *sighs*
  2. Hi all. My post could really go in "general discussion", but I figure this forum needs christening. :) My partner just found out he has HSV-2. He's asymptomatic. I'm concerned about our potential sex life. I've commonly read stories of H+ and H- partners having a normal sex life so long as they engage around the outbreaks. But in my case, he doesn't have and has never had any outbreaks. However he surely has viral shedding, which is infectious. How is it A-okay for those with outbreaks to engage normally when they can be shedding at any time? And since we can't see any evidence of my guy's shedding, how could we time/coordinate sex? I've also thought about other ways to mitigate the risk, and I came across this nih study about different agents inactivating HSV. It seems that rubbing alcohol kills HSV on contact. I'm surprised more research hasn't been put into this. It stands to reason that a genital slathering of rubbing alcohol prior to any sexual activity would render null any shedding issues long enough for a safe session. Thoughts? (Condom use assumed for this entire post. No drugs.)
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