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Everything posted by cgg123

  1. Thank you guys so much. You have no idea how helpful you've been. I wish there wasn't that stigma surrounding HSV. It's been over five days now and no signs of anything yet, orally or genitally. I have a couple of questions that you might be able to answer if you don't mind. How long does it normally take for a first outbreak after being exposed to HSV-1? Is coming in contact with the saliva enough to spread HSV-1 or is it direct contact with the sore that can spread it?
  2. About four days ago, I received unprotected oral sex from someone who had a cold sore on their top lip. I've spent the last four days sleepless, nervous, crying, scared, etc. As dumb as it might sound, I didn't understand that this could lead to genital herpes until I did some research AFTER it had already happened. I have never had a cold sore, nor have I ever been tested for HSV-1, so I have no idea if I already have the antibodies. I'd like to talk to someone and get tested as soon as possible, but I've read in some places to wait two weeks after your initial exposure to get tested. Would it be pointless to get a blood test now? I've never been so scared about something in my life. I know that I won't really be at ease until I take a test. In the meantime, I'm not really sure what to do. I'm googling symptoms in every spare second that I have.
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