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Everything posted by Toto111

  1. Hi all , I’m new here , having been diagnosed a year ago . I accidentally contacted herpes of my partner through oral sex whilst she had a very small cold sore. only I have genital herpes though (and we plan to keep it that way !) but I think probably like a lot of people at my first outbreak I went through a short period of feeling a bit sorry for myself , regretful this has happened etc. - but then once it cleared. I’ve largely been able to return to normal life - it’s not been something that’s dominated me or my relationship with my partner as we’ve been very pragmatic about it . almost a year to the day later and I had my second outbreak following a UTI ( my doctor suspects I passed a small kidney stone causing the infection) and it has been much worse. I have read that usually subsequent outbreaks lessen in severity , but this has been much more severe . I have had much worse sores , aches , fever etc. and whilst it is tailing off now I still seem to have sores in my urethra as I am experiencing a lot of trouble and pain urinating and night sweats / slight fever / generally ill feeling I have been checked and it’s not anything else btw . I don’t know if it’s been so much worse this time as it was triggered by the UTI ? Or because I didn’t start my antivirals until after the antibiotics I had been given ? but it’s definitely been much more debilitating and has made me quite depressed as I feel SO run down now - it’s definitely made me very anxious about future outbreaks and I guess the weight of it feels like it’s hit me more . has anyone else experienced anything like this ? I’d really appreciate any advice or insight as , obviously , this is new to me and the resources online seem to be more centred on symptoms and treatment rather than personal experience . greatly appreciate and advice and hope this finds everyone well - thanks !
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