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Everything posted by Kob456

  1. Thank you SO MUCH for such a supportive and informative response. I didn’t know about that study re: hypothyroid and hsv. That is interesting. I have had two PCR swabs done. One on a primary vaginal ulcer and then a second one on a vaginal “cut”. I have also had two serum tests. PCR tests were both negative. Serum test showed positive for hsv1. I’ve had single ulcers on my gums that come and go for over 20 years so that is what that positive was for. My partner was serum positive for hsv2 but not hsv1. I developed symptoms 4 days after intercourse with him. I get prodrome symptoms too. So the timeline matches up. And the lesions on my wrist are classic of hsv. I’ll upload a pic of my wrist from a few days ago and then today. Lesions are extremely ichy but not painful. I really think there’s no question I have now both hsv1 and hsv2. But I would have loved if this was not the case. I’ll get another serum test after 4 months time to confirm. my doctor has referred me to a dermatologist for a second opinion. Thank you again. This is such a great forum.
  2. Hi All, im only 3 months into this and am on my 3rd outbreak. Each seems to last 4 weeks with something new each week. I get small sores or cuts on my vagina and anus for a few days and then I get the classic looking outbreak in random places on my body. My primary outbreak I didn’t have this, but my 2nd outbreak it was on my knuckle and this time on my wrist. But worse this time. Next week I’m expecting what happened last time which was random 1 inch cuts on my skin between my vagina and anus that last 3 to 4 days. Everything I read online says this kind of thing only happens to immunocompromised persons or those with an underlying skin disease. I also get chronic yeast infections (but haven’t had one since getting this) and other than this Im healthy. 44 years old. On Synthroid for hypothyroidism I got a few years ago. But it’s well managed. The post by J1010 about unusual outbreaks was really helpful for me as it gives me hope this might become less frequent after a year. However at this point I’m paranoid about spreading this to my 5 year old as it’s always a surprise to wake up in the morning with outbreaks on my hands or arm. Im so worried about trying to have sex again with my partner (who I got this from and who has no symptoms) as last time it triggered my 2nd outbreak. Just as I start to cope with things and come to terms with this terrible virus things get worse. It’s so hard not knowing how this will progress. I don’t understand why Valtrex isn’t working. The only reasons I can find online are that it may not work if you’re immunocompromised. Feeling so fragile and that I can’t even sneeze or it will trigger an outbreak. How do those of you cope who have had constant outbreaks? It just seems awful. Thanks.
  3. Thank you so much for posting this. This really helps me. I’ve had hsv2 for almost 3 months and am on my 3rd outbreak. They last 4 weeks and appear also in two places at the same time. This didn’t happen on my primary outbreak but the first recurrence I had I got sores (like small cuts through a small bump) on my vagina. At the same time I had vesicles on my right finger. Then once those were clearing about week 2 I get spontaneous cuts up to 1 inch long in my bum or skin just above. My current 3rd outbreak I’ve got the sores red sores or tiny cuts in my vagina and bum and a small cluster of vesicles on my left wrist. I’ve been on the suppressive meds for over a month now and I’m disappointed as it’s not helping. My doctor just told me to up the dose for a couple days and then referred me to a dermatologist for a second opinion. So based on your post, sounds like this can just happen to some people. Sucks. I just want some relief for more than a few days at a time. I do get shooting nerve pains all over my body often too. I’m glad yours is settling down after a year and gives me hope mine might follow this pattern too.
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