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Everything posted by Ari678

  1. Okay so my hsv 2 score was 23.6 does the number of the score help determine how my outbreaks will be. And is this score on the higher end or average
  2. I tested positive for hsv2 2 days ago and my main concern is having to take medicine for the rest of my life and I’m only 22… Like I don’t mine taking it during an outbreak of course but I do not want to take it every day, every week , etc. since I’ve only known for 2 days I don’t know if I’m going to end up with a lot of outbreaks but I hope not! If I don’t is it still necessary to take medication? And if you don’t have an outbreak can you still give someone hsv2
  3. (I’m 22, F)Okay so the doctor told me I was hsv 2 positive yesterday and I immediately told my mom, best friend , and the guy I’ve been dating on and off for the past almost 3 years. It wasn’t him that gave it to me but he’s been so kind and understanding but I just know there’s a big chance we aren’t going to last because of this. So right before he and I decided to get serious I had sex with someone and this happened…. It seems like my life is over and I have a 3 year old and it just makes me so sad how everytime he even wants to kiss me I barely want him to touch me or my cup or anything even tho it’s genital I just feel bad about everything. The guy I’m dating is getting checked tomorrow but I doubt he hasn’t bc we haven’t even had sex since I had sex with the other guy but he just wants to be sure bc he said kissing counts even tho it’s type 2 so I guesss…. I just feel like he’s going to end up leaving which is fine but the part that really scares me is never finding someone to love me or accept me unless they have hsv as well. It’s so depressing and I feel so ashamed.
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