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Everything posted by pbw_9

  1. Hi! I was diagnosed with HSV-1 orally 13 years ago after a sexual assault. I had an initial outbreak but haven’t had anything since. I started to feel a tingle on both corners of my mouth and freaked out as I have an 8 week old baby at home. I rushed to Google and saw that if I was having a true outbreak then Lysine may help. I started taking Lysine and all of a sudden started developing dry itchy skin on my face, my lips were super dry, my eyes itched. I stopped taking it after 2.5 days because the potential sores never came about. Now I have horrible pelvic burning pain. No sores that I can see. No itching. Just the burning pain. I thought I have a UTI but got tested and all was normal. I mentioned that I had HSV to the doctor, but she brushed it off and said I would have other symptoms if that were the case. But now I am wondering could I have contracted HSV-1 to my genitals? I was very careful with hand washing when I thought I was getting a sore, but crazier things have happened I’m sure. Also, I haven’t had sex since having the baby since my husband is getting a vasectomy soon. Anyway, I am just looking for some answers and hopefully clarity on what could be happening.
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