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Everything posted by Struggling

  1. Thank you for your response @mr_hopp it is much appreciated, and such a good community where we can ask questions where we couldn’t otherwise. Perhaps you can clear something up for me - what is considered an active outbreak? It is the actual sores appearing? Sometimes even on the antivirals I get the pain and/or tingling in the outbreak site, but never get the bumps. Is the ringing/pain considered an OB, or pre OB, and higher risk of transmission?
  2. Hi there, I have been diagnosed with the genital herpes virus over 10 years ago. I don’t know which type it is, and I’ll get retested to confirm. I use antivirals when I feel an oncoming OB and started taking them daily now to minimize the symptoms and get things under more control. I have been searching the internet and the forum but haven’t found answers to the following questions I have, I hope this community can help. 1. Labiaplasty. Due to discomfort and to improve the quality of my life, I am scheduled for a Labiaplasty where my inner labia will be reduced as it is in the way and causing discomfort in daily activities. I understand that I can’t have an active OB during this minor procedure. My herpes is on the outer labia in one particular spot. I am wondering if this procedure could cause herpes complications in terms of spreading the herpes to other genital sites? I know the procedure can trigger an outbreak hence I started taking the antivirals daily in preparation, and disclosed the condition to my surgeon. Thoughts? 2. Oral sex. If I am positive for the genital virus, and my partner isn’t, are there any risks in me performing oral sex on him without dams etc? I’ve never had oral herpes (type1/cold sores). 3. Fingering and touching and transmission. If I don’t have an outbreak and am taking suppressive antivirals daily, can my partner use his hands and finger me without wearing any protective barrier? Can he catch the virus if he touches me and then himself/masturbates with the same hand? I hope these questions were appropriate to ask, and I hope this community can help with their answers and feedback This condition bears so much stigma and is hard to understand by others, and even myself. Thank you
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