I have recently been diagnosed this week, I have been in a committed lesbian relationship for the last 5 years and I can confidently say 110% that neither of us have cheated, the doctor said I could have caught this years ago and it has stayed dormant. Safe to say it wasn’t fun telling my partner of 5 years I have an STI but she took it incredibly well and understood I could have gotten it in the past and has stated dormant until now. She really was amazing. Also my dad gets cold sores so I was looking up passing it through genetics and maybe this can be it? Either way I’m trying not to figure out where it came from… (unsuccessfully).
Basically I am aware there is a huge stigma with this life long virus and I feel disgusting. I have ulcers on my labia which my doctor took swabs but is quite sure it is Herpes as I got ulcers a year ago and both times was after I was unwell with a cold. It’s painful but I’m getting by with Sudocreme, Vaseline and soon Instillagel (as they sting when I pee). She said the swabs may come back with nothing as they weren’t weeping (gross).
I cried for hours when I was told, as it’s something you hear about but never think you get. I’ve always been a safe person and just can’t believe I got it. Any words of wisdom, similar situations, please comment. I just need to talk to people in the same boat here. I feel like my partner says she doesn’t feel differently but I’m worried she will be nervous to touch me once it goes down.