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Posts posted by OB123

  1. Update!! 

    I am honestly in so much shock at how well tonight went! We went for dinner and a nice walk and we just had such a nice time. I was so scared to bring it up at the end because the vibe was soooo amazing I didn’t want to ruin it. 

    He then said “I feel we’re really comfortable around each other” he went to the toilet I took a few deep breaths and when he came out I told him…


    I said you know the way you said we are so comfortable around each other well I must tell you something.

    Gonna write it like a script.

    He was like… whaaat?

    I said…well I really want to be honest with you, do you know the cold sore virus? 

    He was like… yeah I do, why do you have it?

    I said yeah I do

    Him: whatever that’s fine 

    Me: yeah but I want to tell you it’s in the worst possible place and I’m nervous about passing it on.

    Him: yeah I get that, don’t they have tablets for that. I know about it, don’t worry it’s not a big deal.

    I honestly stood in shock as we walked back to the car because I had a totally different scenario played out in my head. 

    We talked about it, he’s reassured me and told me why should something in the past affect our future. I can see you’re an amazing person. 

    Turns out his friends who were a couple have dealt with it before and shared their story with him so he understands.

    I am now beginning to think this HSV2 has been a blessing in disguise because I have never ever in my life let my guard down. I actually put getting to know someone first, before jumping into bed with them. I promised myself I would take it slow and show my true authenticity. Being myself, open, honest, and vulnerable has worked!! I probably would’ve never have done that if I didn’t have HSV2.

    I’m absolutely smitten with this guy. It’s very early days but and I am so proud of myself for really taking the time to be my true self and do the right thing for me! 

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  2. Hey there. I know how you feel. 

    I’m on 1000mg of Zovirax a day and it was working perfectly until I went out 2 nights in a row and drank alcohol. Now I have the tingling and a minor itching sensation even with the 1000mgs per day. It seems the only way I can keep it completely suppressed is if I get enough sleep and don’t go out and drink alcohol. 

    It seems to have a mind of its own and honestly I’m struggling to find a way to control it. I thought the suppressive meds would help and I could finally let my hair down as I had friends visiting but obviously not. 

    Sorry I’m not much help, just somebody who knows exactly how you feel! 


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  3. It’s been really difficult to keep a positive  mindset. Self esteem is at an all time low. I have a feeling I know who I got HSV2 from but I can’t prove it as I think it was in my system for quite awhile before I started to show symptoms and that relationship was completely over by the time I found out. I feel so stupid for getting with that person. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn’t know they had it, but there’s also a good chance I was completely betrayed and the person just didn't care about passing it on.  

    I always had trust issues and catching this has greatly heightened my lack of trust in people. 

    The breakouts have become more and more frequent and it’s mentally and physically draining! 

    It’s so hard to meet someone now as I know I’m going to have to disclose this to them pretty early on to save both our time and energy. However the thought of being so vulnerable and honest is absolutely terrifying. There is a huge stigma with this and I don’t want to pass it onto anyone because the outbreaks are awful and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy to be honest.

    I have met a guy that I’ve really clicked with, I’m taking it quite slow for now but I know the conversation is going to have to be had pretty soon, but I’m wondering how other people with this have approached and brought up the topic while trying to date?

    It’s my first time trying to date properly in over a year since I’ve been diagnosed and I’m trying my best to adopt the positive narrative, I went and got full STD tests done and everything else was negative but the doctor prescribed me daily anti viral meds which have helped so far (it’s been 1 month), but I recently went out 2 nights in a row didn’t get much sleep and drank alcohol and now I can feel the minor symptoms of a cold and tingling in the genital area, so I know I’m shedding because I didn’t look after myself properly. It’s just so hard because it means that I have to constantly watch myself, I can’t let my hair down and enjoy a night out or 2 with friends without worrying about having an outbreak or shedding the virus! 

    I also think it’s coming out in my mouth now too even tho the test I had was on the genital region. The mouth outbreaks are only very recent so I’m surprised that it’s now starting to happen in that area too. Honestly I’m so tired, lost, alone and confused! What’s a gal to do? 😭

    PS. Yes I’ve read the ebook and handouts also which have been helpful and insightful 🙏🏼


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