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Everything posted by Moonsigngirl

  1. Thanks Dancer - I could've sworn I read a post here about it not usually jumping once established (something about ganglia??) Glad to know I'm not completely bat shit crazy.
  2. Wait. What? I thought h couldn't 'jump' from one part of your body to another based on where it set up camp to begin with?
  3. Victoria - just delayed shame. Feeling it now. Feeling damaged. :( Just taking a moment of your time to post is support, so thank you!
  4. Dancer.... I'm certainly not giving up on this roller coaster marriage. It's always work. But, just thinking about the 'what ifs' has sent me reeling an into a funk over this. You really are an empowering presence here. Thank you.
  5. I'm new here. Here's my story. Approximately 10 years ago I had my first genital outbreak ( and have never had another). I had been exposed at some point and didn't know it. My husband was totally supportive. Didn't bat an eye. I didn't really feel the shame. I was in a monogamous 'forever' relationship so why even worry about it? And I didn't. Recently I'm finding myself in a mediocre marriage (it's not awful) and wondering if I want it to be forever (probably fodder for a completely different support group). So, I was thinking what if I did get divorced? God, how I always hated the dating scene. And then I had an 'Oh, SHIT! I have h!' moment. And I found this site. I have to say, while I find most of the threads incredibly inspiring, some if it makes me think way too much. Like, 'Wow, I didn't know I was supposed to feel so ashamed.' (Yes, I know that's ridiculous). I admit while thinking about the prospects of ever having to have 'the talk' makes me feel incredibly broken, damaged. And now instead of thinking about choosing happiness for myself, whatever path that is, I may just choose to stick it out in this just ok marriage to not have to deal with it. Ugh.. Was ignorance really bliss? Has anyone else felt this delayed shame?
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