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  1. The report has no mention of HSV1 other than pointing out that the test is type specific and will differentiate between HSV1 and HSV2. I'm assuming the report should have listed both? Should I get retested specifically for HSV1? I've had cold sores in the past. I'd say I see one every few years, though I get it cleared up fast. Nothing around my genitals at all at any point.
  2. Ah, well. According to the test, IgG, I do have HSV Type 2 at 5.00.
  3. What are the odds that I never passed this on to my wife? Years of unprotected sex and every year she tests negative.
  4. I was told over the phone it was HSV2, though I won't know for sure until I pick up the report. I know I have HSV1, so I'm holding out hope the person on the phone was wrong.
  5. Wife and I are going through a divorce. We've been together for 17 years, including dating, engagement period, and marriage. I've never had another sexual partner and neither has she (I can only take her word for that.). Still, I thought it prudent to get myself tested. I was told today that I tested positive for HSV2. I haven't seen my test results yet as I'm out of town. The place where I was tested could only tell me it was a blood test that checks for antibodies with a result a 5.0 meaning I've had the virus for years. So at the moment I've no idea exactly what test was performed, though I'd assume either IgM or IgG. I guess I'm confused. I've never had an outbreak. Neither has my wife. Though I understand that a lack of outbreaks isn't uncommon. My wife was tested a little over six years ago when pregnant. She's also been tested yearly for 14 years while in the military. Never a positive test. In the 17 years we've been together we've only engaged in protected sex (condom) for about two years. I guess it's possible that I've actually had the virus for years, though just never passed it on to her (Still no idea how I contracted it.). I'm assuming if she has the virus then she would have tested positive on one of her many tests. I guess it's also possible my test was wrong. (Or at least I'm hoping.) I did the test for nothing more than peace of mind. I was completely floored when I was told I was positive. Tomorrow I plan on obtaining a copy of the test results and then likely scheduling a second test with a different testing center.
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