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Everything posted by calico

  1. So I got tested after 16 weeks, and the IGG came back negative for HSV1/2, so I don't really understand what it could have been. I haven't seen any other bumps than the ones I saw at first, but I have had this crazy vibrating feeling in my feet ever since all that started happening. I have no idea if that can be related?
  2. I saw a few bumps on my labia and went to urgent care, they swabbed them and told me it didn't look like herpes (unfortunately though I had popped the living hell outta them by that time I don't know if that matters...) I began to get a fever of over 101 for the next few days. I then began to feel so much pain in my vagina, along with super urgency to urinate, and was diagnosed with a Uti by urine sample. The next day I woke up with incredible pelvic (leg?) pain and went a to get a massage that wasn't all that helpful. Doctors thought I had the flu but like I was negative for the test they gave me. I took some acetaminophen and it went away. This all started on a Monday and kinda went away by the next Monday. Can this be because of a Uti? I took an Igm and Igg test both negative along with a negative viral culture. I'm feeling such wierd burning around my groin in the creases of my legs now but there isn't anything there and am so confused.
  3. Okay so I guess I will start with the beginning: First off, I made out with a boy on Jan 31st of this year, who got a little handsy with me, never had sex or anything, just a nice heavy make out session. After a couple days I felt tingly down there so naturally I assumed somehow I must have caught an STD, herpes or something (I wasn't this calm about it at the time though, lol). So I drove down to my local Planned Parent Hood and she checked me out. I explained the feeling I had and she did a yeast swab which came back a little postive, gave me Diflucan, then sent me on my way. Relief of course to my ears, until I started I reading, oh god help me for having the internet because I had never been so paranoid before. I read about how it can be mild, it can look like a pimple, it can look like a god damn elephant because it plays by its own crazy rules! I waited the initial 21 days examining every orifice, washing my hands every twenty seconds, not getting any peace. Finally nothing more than some weird legs tingles in my thighs I had gotten when I was high (which I was sure must be the monster HERPES!) Nothing more for the month, I quit my job and moved to my friends house, positive I had gotten SOMETHING (I was a goddamn mess). I went to Planned Parent Hood 6 times (they know me by name now, lol) and got resounding "No you don't have herpes" every time. I even got the blood test to make sure it wasn't a recurrence, that was also negative. I called the guy (a kid really) and he told me he donates sperm all the time and gets his blood tested regularly, so he knows he has nothing (I still am not a hundred percent sure sperm banks even give a crap about that). He disappeared on me before I had even called him so I figured the poor thing knew and just didn't tell me. Finally after much soul searching realizing if I did it isn't a huge deal, I moved on with my life and got ready to get a job when I got a "pimple" on the February 9th, on the middle of butt below my tail bone. It hurt alot when I touched it. Of course I got out the gloves (maybe it was a pimple?) and popped the hell out of it which just made it an angry sore. It went away after a couple days, I dismissed it a let it go. If I have herpes, I have herpes and if thats all it can throw at my body great! Flash forward a week, February 16th-sh another pimple in the middle of my lower back, far from a "normal" area, a little above my belt line. Same hurt took a few days to heal, yadda yadda. Much relief because after that nothing... until February 29th. My insides of my vagina burned. I MEAN BURNED, I think I had a yeast infection (only once in my life) that had hurt that bad. I looked for sores and nothing. Inside, outside, weird angles, nothing. It. just. burned. SO .. I take a trip to the local target get some Vagisil, some yeast medication, and started a regime every days for three days, and it went away by the fourth day. Thank god, lol. I'm not sure if I have herpes, I don't know if those were pimples that hurt because I destroyed them, I don't know if that was the second yeast infection in my lifetime. I just don't know. I'm frustrated and I know that I can't get tested until May-ish, and I'm worried because I know this fella is a young stallion and is giving it away to ladies left and right. He called me the other day for a booty call or a date or something, so I really don't think he knows. I wouldn't care so much if not for that fact. I hope someone took the time to read this lonnnnnnngggg post and can tell me if these are symptoms you have had, also if the burning is going to come back. I'm hoping if this WAS a primary infection it will just be the pimples and never that burning again. Thoughts?
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