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Everything posted by HBpash

  1. According to the results, the tests were HSV-1 IGG and HSV-2 IGG. I have a number for HSV-1 (Positive at 4.35). HSV-2 just says <0.91. Last encounter was Nov 17. Test was done Jan 31.
  2. After I got the call from former partner "Jane" that she tested positive for HSV-2, I went to my doctor and got tested myself. The results came back negative for HSV-2, and I sent a copy to Jane. She is not convinced that the test was done correctly because instead of an exact value, it just says less than 9.1 (even though the chart just below says "Negative 0.91"). Jane is a friend and I know she is freaking out a little about her results and from whom she contracted HSV-2. Her initial tests were done by the same lab and she has an actual number. And she says that in all the research she has done, she has never heard of a number range in the value field instead of an exact number, even in other negative cases. She wants me to get the Western Blot test, which would cost me about $200. Is there really reason not trust the lab results I already have and pay for the Western Blot?
  3. I was informed by a former partner that she tested positive for HSV-2, so I got tested. In my results, I tested negative for HSV-2, and positive for HSV-1 (which I expected). The HSV-1 value is 4.35, and included in the text below is "Coinfection with HSV-2 cannot be excluded without type specific testing". Anyone know what that means?
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