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Posts posted by havefaith427

  1. I was there too love. I found out on our 1 year anniversary. He never knew that he had it or vice versa. We are still unsure who gave it to who. But that really doesn't matter now. He is in the service so I don't see him as much but I saw him the weekend after I was diagnosed and was not myself at all. By the next time I saw him was about 4 weeks later, I was almost back and now after 3 months later I am back and have been back for a while. It takes time but you will come to terms with it. I'm still not very accepting of H but I come to terms with it and know that this is just a bump in the road. But yes talk to him. I talked to my bf over and over and how I was ashamed, embarrassed, sad, etc and he was very supportive of it all! Good luck sweetie!!!

  2. Derp, if anyone has anxiety issues trust me its me!!! I have the worst mind possible. I always over think and come up with crazy ideas or scenarios in my head. I mean my daughter and I shared the same washcloth without thinking since we came home from the beach and then afterwards it was full panic mode like omg I may have given her herpes. What did I do? and after discussing it on here and having these nice ladies calm me down I'm ok.

    I was freaking out once diagnosed... I do take the suppressant but I think this site is actually what calms me down the most. The people on this site have probably been through every emotion as us so its much easier talking to them rather than a friend who has not, as much as we love our friends.

    But I definitely can relate to being VERY panicky lol. Trust me I know!!!

  3. Hello all. Sorry its been a while since I have logged on here. Just been very busy. However, I noticed that I may have herpes whitlow. I have little teeny tiny circles on my skin that are in a big patch and looks like a huge blister is starting to form on top of it. It is right by my nail but on the tip of my finger. Has anyone else got this? How long does it last and is there anything I can do for the pain or a more speedy recovery? Also how contagious is it? I have it covered with a bandaid but I work in the medical field, with kids, and am always on the computer. I just need a few insights or advice on this. Thank you!

  4. I thought I was getting a herpes outbreak, so my doctor told me to take 2 of my valtrex suppressant instead of one. And I also put tee tree oil where I felt the tingling. Now I'm itchy and just uncomfortable down there. I'm not in pain, which is good! But it feels kinda like razor burn... even though I didn't shave down there. Or kinda like a pulling,stretching feeling... Kinda hard to explain. But it doesn't feel like blisters. I'm new to this so I'm still trying to figure out what an OB is. I've only had one and it was tough but my doctor said it was mild compared to most inital OBs. Just wondering if anyone else has had these symptoms.

  5. I was diagnosed last Monday... And boy was I a mess!!! I work in the medical building that I was diagnosed in!!! Yes, so ALL my co workers can go into my chart and see this... Terrible. I'm sure they all did too, because I left out of there in tears. I sat in my car and screamed!!! I cried for a long time, and so do every now and then. My bf never was tested for it so I'm not sure where I got this from. But he was actually ok with it. When I went to see him this last weekend (he is in the navy and stationed 4.5 hours away) he just held me while I bawled my eyes out lol. Ugh its a struggle to deal with this but I have heard it gets easier with time. Good luck!!!

  6. Ok so I have been with my bf for a year now. And I got had my initial OB just two weeks ago.... I seriously do not think that he cheated and I know that I did not cheat... So how did I get this? Can it really lay dormant in your body for years before any outbreaks? He is a great guy and he just doesn't seem like the "cheating" type....

  7. @WCSDancer2010

    Thank you so much. Yeah I have HSV2. I saw in another discussion that you are a massage therapist. Well so am I. But I have yet to massage anyone while in an outbreak except my boyfriends back. And at that time I did not know I was having an OB, just thought I cut myself shaving. So I ask, how is it massaging during an OB? Do you take off work for the first few days or just fight through it? I really pray that I am not the type that gets many OBs. Supposedly, my gyn said my initial OB was not bad at all. I feel like it is taking forever to heal though. I started to feel the pain two weeks ago and I still feel pain!!! Its getting better to urinate, but not the other one (sorry about being tmi) Ugh I cannot wait until its over and I really hope I'm a lucky one that doesn't get any more of them or just rarely.

  8. Hello. My name is Katie. I was diagnosed with type 2 on Monday, which was devastating to me. It was actually me and my bf's anniversary. I'm guessing I got it from him, since his ex was easy to say the least and cheated on him all the time. Anyways, good news is that he is ok with it and he is staying. However, I'm still struggling everyday, cry everyday, having anxiety attacks everyday. My first outbreak started on Sunday the 9th and I still have it. Its not so bad now that I have medicine but when will it ease up all the way? I have a 3yr old (well will be next month) Can I still kiss her or share drinks with her, without her getting the virus? Can I share drinks with people period? How many outbreaks does a person usually get? Does it ever get easier? I just hate knowing that this is something that I will have to deal with all my life, even when I'm an old lady..... How do I not feel embarrassed? I'm sure I will even have more questions later as well. I'm a very anxious person and always have tons of questions. My doctor said that my primary outbreak was not bad at all... maybe 4- 9 sores. Is that a good thing? Will the other outbreaks have less sores and less pain?

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