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Everything posted by tam3986

  1. Thanks for your quick response. I have hsv-2. I kind of knew getting back with him was not necessarily the right decisions and now I feel like I have been used. In the end he is a great guy and a good dad but I am just so confused on how all of this happened. And why don't men get breakouts like women do? And how is it possible for them to not know? I just can't wrap my mind around all of this. I also wonder if I should bring it up in counseling? It is so embarrassing! I also wonder how life will be if I wasn't with him (meaning trying to explain to other men I might meet). Clearly since I've only been with one person my whole life (I'm 28 years old) I am just lost!!
  2. I really don't know if I am ready to talk about this but I feel like I need direction and help to make a few decisions in my life. Here is the very vague background - my "husband" and I were each others firsts we met when we were 14 and 15 years old. At 19 I got pregnant with our daughter and at 23 we were married. A few months after we were married I got pregnant with our son. After being together for 10 years and married for 3 he had a drinking problem that I couldn't handle anymore so I divorced him. 1 year later we decided we should work things out. So on April 1, 2013 the kids and I moved back in with him. Things have been going ok until December 2013. I found out I had herpes. I have not been with anyone but him my entire life and he admits to being with multiple people while we were separated. However, he also says he has no idea that he has/could have herpes. He still has not gotten tested and I feel like if he really cared he would have taken the initiative to find out. Sorry this is so all over the place. I just don't know how to get it all out. Either way I don't know what to do. We are seeking marriage counseling but I feel like the trust is gone and I am just not attracted to him at all. I also feel like I got back together with him because his life was spinning out of control and I needed to save it for our children.
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