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  1. @WCSDancer2010 Thank you so much for the response and information! Sorry for the multiple posts. My computer said there was en error and so I thought it hadn't uploaded. Is it common to also get multiple coldsores at one time? Not sure but I think I might have another starting beside it. Thanks again!!
  2. Hi I woke up this morning with my first cold sore (sort of..I've had one on the inside portion of my lip..mostly on the inside of my mouth...so was never sure if this was a cold sore or canker sore. Have had it three times previous in the same spot) this time however, it is right smack in the middle of my lower lip...and spent the morning having a panic attack and searching online for information. A couple of questions I have are: 1. Is this a new virus (assuming my other symptoms in past were cold sores). Can you catch either strand of virus more than once? 2. Can this outbreak spread to other areas on my lip. Now my top lip is feeling itchy...but not sure if that's me being paranoid. Or would it take time to spread to another area? 3. What is the likelyhood that I may also now get genital herpes? I'm assuming if its a new virus then it's from the last guy I was dating...and he performed oral on me. I stopped seeing him about 6 weeks ago. I have had no symptoms down there, but I've been reading that you don't always get symptoms right away. ( I had Std testing and didn't have anything, but it's my understanding they don't test for herpes and diagnose mainly on clinical symptoms) 4. Why in the past year have I had 3? (Two on the inside of my lip and now this) before that the first time I had it on the inside was 3 years prior. Any information or help would be greatly appreciated! I feel sick to my stomach. I feel like other people will see me as a leper. I know it's so common, but no one in my family or my friends have had them before. Thanks!!! M
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