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Everything posted by jsmith

  1. This is my second outbreak and I've been prescribed valtrex, but today when I looked in the mirror it looks like my skin down there is eroding away like I have maybe dime sized sores and it looks like the skin by my vaginal opening has been ripped. is this a very severe case or what? I'm freaking out!
  2. Kind of weird I know, but can anyone say if they've "felt their sores healing during an "OB"?
  3. So I had my initial outbreak back in February and it was the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life. I went to the er and they prescribed Valtrex. Fast forward to the second outbreak that I am currently struggling with. it seems as one sore starts to heal anything forms. has anyone else experienced this? Also I am having some serious tingling down there for the first time tonight. is this normal or should I be worried? it's literally been so bad to the point where I've contemplated suicide. As far as medicine I'm currently on: Lysine, Zinc Vitamins, Vitamin C, and anti-depressants. For methods I've used to get some relief I've tried: warm showers since I live in a dorm with community showers, water to help alleviate pain during urination, campho-phenique, and tonight baby powder. I don't know what to do and I'm having a mental break down. it's been a week and this outbreak was triggered by getting sick with mono.
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