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Posts posted by silverliningirl

  1. True- we vary. And I'd agree with taking the porbiotic and/or probiotic foods. You can also learn how to make kombucha or sauerkraut. Nuts (esp peanuts) & too much chocolate can bother me. Has anyone tried strictly eating a higher lysine to arginine ratio diet?

  2. I am editing a handout for my school's clinic related to herpes diet. Right now it focuses mainly on lysine/arginine ratios. I want to add more detail to that but also add any any other foods or herbs that may be triggers or can be particularly supportive. Let me know what works and doesn't for you? And if you can provide good sources for dietary recommendations that would be even better. It seems like the research is fairly limited. There's some stuff with lysine and lemon balm. What else have you found? I'm also curious if any supplements have been particularly helpful (more curious for myself on this one).

  3. There's been chemistry building between a good friend and I and he already told me he had strong feelings for me. I waited to get to know him more to decide if I felt like this is someone who I could be serious with (not wanting to risk potential transmission if it isn't the real deal) and yesterday I knew I was falling for him too. We danced, we kissed, he invited me back to his place. I told him on the way there & he was quiet for a bit. Later he told me that he wanted to continue to be friends and that we could kiss and cuddle but he didn't want to put himself at risk. So I had to accept that and I enjoyed the kissing and cuddling & being there as a friend but man it's frustrating. Maybe it's also that I'm feeling very sexually frustrated now, after being out of a long term relationship for a few months now, and being in my early 30s. I've had a few partners/relationships since getting herpes and they were all pretty supportive & we carefully had protected sex. I didn't expect this reaction and I really like him but am concerned that if we do remain cuddle buddies that all this sexual frustration may actually lead to an outbreak because of the stress, as that is my main trigger. Yet on the other hand I love the affection and connection and intimacy and maybe I should just try to be grateful for that. Still it would be better to be with someone who accepts all of me and is willing to be with me fully, yet right now I don't feel like I would want to be with anyone else. So I feel all vulnerable and depressed and don't know what to do. He's a good friend, who now knows all my secrets. I feel like maybe I should try to talk to him more but I also don't feel like I'd want to pressure him towards being sexual because I don't think he's comfortable with the idea of it, which would not make for a comfortable intimate experience anyway. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks

  4. Reading posts I see people talking about having genital herpes as hsv 2 or hsv 1. It occurred to me that although I know I have genital herpes (skin test & blood test and the doctor was pretty confident & said he'd only call me if it was not herpes- never got results on paper, never saw that doctor again but have had various outbreaks since then- 6 years ago). I think I just assume I have hsv 2, but how can I know for sure?

  5. I am open to a buddy that is male or female. I am a 31 year old female. I am currently in San Francisco and it would be nice if you are able to meet in person & have similar interests (nature, live music, yoga, food...) Mostly it would just be nice to have a friend who understands what this is like. I recently got out of a 3 year relationship which should have ended earlier but it was hard to motivate to end the relationship knowing the dating scene can be brutal. I've be come close with a good friend and we got to second base the other day. I knew I needed to tell him before anything else happened. I did and now he just wants to be cuddle buddies and close friends. It's hard because I know things could be different without herpes. I get angry because so many people are transmitting this without knowing they have the virus & people don't think twice about hooking up with those that have never been tested. I know & can sense when I am about to get an outbreak but I get treated so differently. Sigh. So I wanna be able to talk abut stuff like that.

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