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  1. Ah I thought that may be it, I'll try that. Thanks for the help! Nearly halfway through the pills :D Also, me and my guy are going on a date later this week so he seems to be pretty cool with everything, yay!
  2. @WCSDancer2010 My pills seem to be different than I've heard them described on here - mine are white with no dividing line down the middle and it doesn't say you can split them (they're 500MG each tablet and I have to take 2 a day for 10 days) - wonder if it would still be ok...?
  3. Hi @WCSDancer2010 - and thanks for the warm welcome! I think I will send on the information, the handouts do a much better job of clarifying and I think it'll calm his head more. I wish sex education was more thorough in talking about STDs, at least then I could've avoided this, but hey, can't turn back the hands of time. This is day 2 of knowing I have it and I'm coping relatively well even though the Valtrex is making me feel sick as a dog. Thanks for your reassurance, it's so encouraging reading about all the success on here! I'll try and keep this thread updated if he says anything more to me - so far nothing but as it's the weekend I'm not dwelling on it too much. x
  4. Thanks for the reply. I got it from the previous guy via oral sex when he had a cold sore (silly me, I didn't even know it could happen). Yeah, he was worried he could get it elsewhere if we did anything, but I didn't want to tell him anything for certain as obviously I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this and I'm still confused myself! I offered to send him some of the information pages on here because they really helped me and explained more than my doctor did but he said 'nah it's ok'. I guess there's only so much I can offer to do and now I'll just have to wait and hope!
  5. Hi all! I'm new here, I just got diagnosed with gHSV1 today - quite the shock considering I'm only 18 and haven't had many sexual partners, but what can you do. I guess I've accepted there's nothing I can do but deal with it ;) I had to have the scary talk twice today - I had to tell the guy who I believe gave it to me (I just told him it might be an idea to get tested, and he was so grateful I told him) and the guy I'm currently seeing. When I first told the guy I'm currently seeing he was like 'That's not a big deal... It's fine, don't worry about it, but I'll go to my doctor anyway just to check out the facts'. So I was relieved and the conversation went on with him being supportive and reassuring and I told him the transmission rates, some of the facts etc. However at one point he said that he gets cold sores but it's 'not the same as herpes'. I kindly corrected him and he was like 'it's a low transmission rate and as long as you take your meds it should be fine....it's not like it's permanent'. Again, I made sure I told him while the outbreak will go and mostly stay dormant, the virus still stays forever - as is the same with cold sores! Then he started to get worried. He said 'right I'm going to check it out with the doctor anyway, I'm a bit worried I'm not gonna lie but as long as I find out all the facts I'll be fine'. We left it at him telling me not to worry, thanking me for telling him and saying he'd talk to me again. Has anyone else had a confusing disclosing experience? I feel so frustrated not knowing what's gonna happen and I really like him. I'm terrified his doctor might scare him and then he'll change his mind. Some support or encouragement would be great right now :(
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