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Posts posted by ihaveittoo

  1. Howdy,


    I've had herpes 27 years now. I remember when I felt just as you do now. In time it will pass. You are doing the right thing by posting here. As they say around here read as many success stories as you can. Educate yourself about the virus. One step at a time one day at a time. You will eventually get to the point you feel much better about yourself and life in general.

  2. Never went to a therapist. I did attend several meetings of a local herpes support group. It was a great experiance. I would highly recommend going to one if one is near you. It's like this forum except your actually face to face with others in a non judgemental environment. There is a list of them here on the site.

  3. Sorry your having a tough time of it now. Been there a few times myself.


    I'm way past 40 now. Ok, way past 45 even. Looking back on all the relationships I've had they all have one thing pretty much in common. They all started when I least expected them to and with someone I didn't see coming. It was a chance meeting in an AOL chatroom I first met my wife. My senior year of high school I decided I didn't want the agravation of going to senior prom. Solution : don't ask anybody out. Result: I was asked out. Beings how I'm a big softy and didn't want to hurt her feelings by saying no, I ended up at the prom anyways. Unfortunately the day of the prom was the same day I started coming down with the worst case of the flu I've ever had in my life. Turned into an awful night for a reason I would have never imagined the day before.


    Guess what I'm trying to say is go with the flow. More than likely it will get you where you want to go. More than likely it will be when you least expect it and with someone you won't see coming.

  4. @cityofangels


    Thank you for your posts, I found them very interesting. As a 27 year veteran of herpes I came to the realization many years ago that it will probably never be cured during my lifetime. When I finally accepted and came to terms with that, my outlook on the future improved immensely. Herpes no longer causes me any depression. I can live and love just as much as the next hsv- person.


    As @WCSDancer2010 said in her last post, your posts were dealing with the reality of the medical world in regards to herpes. It can take time for the newly diagnosed to come to terms with the reality of it. I know it took nearly a decade in my case. Thank God for the internet, it makes networking with people with common interests so much easier.


    Since herpes doesn't kill people like HIV the powers that be are never really going to be motivated enough to make a huge deal out of it. It is going to come down to individuals like us to get the word out as far as education goes. This web site is a fabulous resource. Between this web site and his YouTube videos Adrial is doing the lords work. Throw in Dancers blog and incredible patience and dedication in this forum, we are off to a great start. There are many regulars to this forum who contribute their experience and knowledge to others.


    My guess is that there are more people than we'll ever know lurking in this forum reading and learning. Learning accurate facts. Learning they are not alone. Using what they learn here in their daily lives.

  5. Way back in the first couple of years I had herpes I had 3 different outbreaks swabbed. One of those was swabbed with in the first 24 hours of the start of it. All three test came back negative. After the last swab I finally got to be examined by a doctor that was completely knowledgeable about herpes. He looked at the outbreak and grilled me with questions. He finally told me that from what he saw and from the answers I gave him I difanatly had herpes. He prescribed Acyclovir and the outbreak cleared up faster than any others before it. He also told me that 30% of herpes cases will not test positive. Now, I assume that is with a swab test. I was in the military at the time and they did not do a blood test for herpes. I finally had a blood test last month that came back positive for hsv2. So, personally I believe a swab test may not always be the most reliable method of diagnosing herpes. The Western Blot, IGG, or a well educated knowledgeable doctor or N.P. are the most reliable.

  6. Hello,


    Not sure how much help this will be, but here goes...


    I got herpes way back in 1987. 3 weeks ago I finally had a blood test run. My results came back HSV2 positive with a level of 5.0. I was not having an outbreak at the time. Outbreaks don't happen much these days. Not sure if the level changes during an outbreak. Hopefully someone else might have a better handle on this.


    Herpes is also a very individual thing. No two people are effected the same way. It's possible 8.0 is normal for you and 5.0 normal for me.

  7. Hello,


    I just had an IGG done last Wednesday and got my results in the mail today. I'm in the US and Quest Diagnostics did the test. My results have numeric results. HSV 1 was negative. HSV 2 is positive with a result of > 5.00.


    According to the scale on the results <0.90 is negative. 0.90-1.10 is equivocal. > 1.10 is positive. There is no doubt about the HSV 2 result. Back in the day every swab test I had came back negative. After 27 years I finally have a conclusive result. I will no longer have to whip it out for a new doctor to make a visual diagnosis. Got the results in black and white. Should be easy to get antivirals if I ever need any in the future.



  8. Although I can't tell by the post it appears I have a little brother or sister. Welcome.


    Interesting article. If outbreaks can be permanently stopped I would be satisfied. I imagine asymptomatic shedding would still be a concern.

  9. Thanks again everyone for your kind words. Glad to know my story can be of some help to you good people.


    As I said above, I never had a positive test result back in the day. All swabs came back negative and the US Navy doctors never saw fit to run a blood test. I accepted things as they were. Finding this site and getting back up to date on my herpes knowledge inspired me to finally solve the mystery. Which type of herpes do I have?


    This past Wednesday morning was my check up with the doctor. I explained my history with herpes and why I wanted to finally find out. Thankfully, for an internest, she seemed very knowledgeable. She ordered an IGG. This morning her nurse called with the results. Negative for Type 1, positive for Type 2. More or less what I expected. I've never had an oral outbreak. Until a few years ago the genital outbreaks were very active. Fits type 2 profile.


    Thats it for now. You folks in the USA have a great Columbus Day weekend. Our Canadian friends celebrate Thanksgiving on Monday, so to you I say Happy Thanksgiving eh.

  10. Hello @sweetfemme,


    I'm 27 years in and I remember being where your at. Biggest thing that ever helped me was going to support group meetings. Actually meeting others showed me how normal people with herpes are. There is nothing dirty or scummy about us, even if thats how you feel. You'll get past that feeling in time. Took me almost 10 years, but that was pre internet. Its amazing how connected the world is these days. So, if their is a support group near you I encourage you to check it out.


    On a side note...After 27 years I finally had blood drawn for an IGG test today. By this time next week I finally should know my type. And if it comes back negative I will be the most shocked guy on Earth.

  11. No, didn't piss me off. This from someone who went to catholic schools from 2nd grade on. I've come to doubt the bible being a true account of actual history. I do believe it has alot of good stories with good life lessons. The 10 commandments are excellent rules to try and live your life by. I for one don't believe God is involved in day to day life. If you do that's fine I won't try to convince you otherwise.

  12. I know that alot of people like to dwell on the negative aspects of the internet, and I agree with some, but this site, and especially this forum trumps all of that. It is so much easier now days to communicate with others who share a common interest. The stigma around herpes being what it is drives most people into isolation when in reality they are far from it. I know for my first decade of the journey that it is where I was at. It is a blessing to be able to annonamously meet others at first to talk this over and find out you are really part of a bigger community. I'm sure that those who attended the recent herpes opportunity weekend will agree, meeting face to face with others was a revalation. @Im44, you've traveled light years in less than 3 months, way to go! The stigma is well on its way to being totally shattered. Soon everyone will realize its those people who drive Smart cars you really have to be aware of...

  13. Don't become obsessed with finding someone with herpes just because they, like you, have herpes. That can cause you to overlook clear warning signs that someone is not the right person for you. Keep your options wide open. If I had been more open to considering an H- woman back in the day I would not be in the situation I am in today. You're still less than a month into your post diagnosis life. Give it more time to sink in. Further your herpes education. When a new relationship begins to develop don't make herpes status the be all/end all factor in its development. If you meet an H+ person great. If you began to see the signs that that person is not going to be a good partner for you, RUN. But he/she has herpes too is not a good enough reason to try and spend the rest of your life trying to turn shit into gold.

  14. @screwed4life


    I got herpes 27 years ago when I was 20. Like you I had some periods of being really down and out. Mainly because I never really dealt with it. I talked to no one and avoided relationships.


    Believe it or not you are doing ok. You are talking about it with ussins in the forum, which is your first step or two in the right direction. I hope you are exploring the rest of the site, it has tons of great info that you need. I would encourage you to attend a local herpes support group if one is available near you. My biggest breakthrough came when I went to one many years ago. Talking about it openly with others in the same situation was the best thing I ever did for myself. It was like coming out of the dark after 10 long years.


    Hang in there. It does get better.

  15. I just want add to my earlier post. You have done the right thing, coming to this forum and asking questions.I did the opposite, I talked to no one and I avoided relationships. Finding an online chat room and a local support group helped me make fast progress once I committed to it. You may not realize it now, but you are on the right track. Keep communicating with others and keep learning all you can and before you know it you'll be wondering what all the fuss was about.

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