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Everything posted by eched

  1. Here is my situation to start with: Currently in my mid 20s, I've had 9 separate partners in my life. I get annual checkups done including blood work. So in March of this year, serology report stated that I tested was positive (antibodies detected) for herpes simplex virus. The test wasn't type specific though. Regardless, I've come to accept it, haven't been sexually active ever since the serology report. Also informed my last 3 exes about the situation (alcohol may have been involved; liquid courage). Here is my question: Are the conventional specifics of herpes symptoms universal or do they differ from individual to individual? It's stated some people are asymptomatic, so many people who have herpes are unaware of the situation. I wouldn't have known either if it wasn't for myself being peculiarly interested in my health. According to various sources, herpes symptoms are groupings or patches of painful blisters filled with clear liquid. I've had some dermatological problems in the groin area but except for them being inflammatory (protrusions on the dermis) they don't correspond with what is commonly stated as symptoms. I've only had singular blister'ish inflammations of the dermis, never groupings, never itchy nor painful, and not filled with clear fluid. If they ever contain mucoserous content, it was more similar to acne content rather than the described clean liquid that the viral infection produces. So reiterating the question, "Are the conventional specifics of herpes symptoms universal or do they differ from individual to individual?" Thanks for your time.
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