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Everything posted by Sportygirl1123

  1. Hello all! WCSDancer- my apologies, but I did not see your post until just now. :( Thank you for that and you were/are absolutely right. I wanted to update you all that it took me a week or 2, but I told him. Going into it, I was at peace with the fact that if he rejected me for it, he was not the guy I would want to be with anyway. I basically said that I wasn't sure if most people would have this conversation, but I cared about him enough to do so. I really tried not to minimize it, but thankfully the statistics speak for themselves (especially since I was having no symptoms at the time of our encounter). Anyway- he completely took it in stride and was totally fine about it! Phew! He flew out to see me a week later and we are still going strong! (Used protection every time on his visit too) ;) Happy that this was a good ending (so far), but definitely a wake up call for me (and him too). I was negative for all the STIs that would show up quickly and getting tested for the others this week. Thank you all for your support and input...I think it changed the course of what I may have done. I feel "light" again and that my karma is still in check. ;)
  2. Thanks everyone...I appreciate the insight. I have to just figure this all out. I promise I heard everything you said, and I will not just let this ride without saying SOMETHING. He does deserve to know. I just need to figure out how to do that. :( Thank you again.
  3. Thanks guys! So yes, HSV1 (genitals). I do not take suppression meds and have not had an outbreak since my first one a year ago. (although I think having sex again has now initiated one) NothingGoodGetsAway- thank you so much for taking the time to write all that. It's one of those situations where I think I know what I am supposed to do, but I just don't want to do it. AND- I don't want him to unnecessarily freak out for a couple months, when technically, there is a 2-4% chance that he contracted it (from what I have read). So in your situation, you said you had sex the night after "contracting". So did you know you were positive when you you had unprotected sex with the partner you are referring to? For me, that is what I feel most guilty about...that I didn't tell when I KNEW. I think you've helped me narrow it down to either A) cutting things off with him completely, knowing that I most likely have not given him anything and never will because we won't have sex again. B) Telling him now and just riding out the storm. I'll just have to be mentally prepared for potential rejection. I just can't imagine telling him that I knowingly put him at risk...even though that is exactly what I did. :(
  4. Hi Guys, I was diagnosed with HSV1 last year. I have been dealing. I have good days where I am just so thankful that it is ONLY HSV1, and bad days where I am so mad/sad that I now have to have a conversation before I have sex with anyone. :( That said, I had a whirlwind, 2 day romance with a guy I met on vacation last week. It was a crazy connection that I have never experienced with a guy on this level before. BUT...I think due to lack of sleep for days and alcohol (and that deep connection), we had sex the second night and I did not disclose. It was the heat of the moment and we did NOT use a condom. I feel terrible and know that I made a huge mistake (not to mention that I'm hoping he did not give me anything else). We have stayed in touch and may make plans to see each other again. I feel so guilty and I am just so conflicted on the best course of action at this point. I know the right thing to do is to tell him, but I don't want him to freak out or be angry. (Not to mention he would not be able to know for a couple months anyway) Should I just end communication and hope for the best? Should I pretend that I just found out a couple months from now? I am a truthful person, but I know I have something special with him. We just didn't really have enough time to solidify things completely, so I'm afraid he will reject me. :( Any advice would be much appreciated!
  5. Thank you all for your responses! And thank you Adrial for the warm welcome. I've been researching so much, trying to convince myself that I did not have it. Now I have to focus on "now what?". So you will probably see more questions of mine in various forums. Once again, thank you all!
  6. I am really just asking for my kids' sake. I was just diagnosed Thur with genital herpes. Don't know if it is 1 or 2 yet, but I think it is 1. I keep hearing "skin to skin" contact is how it's transmitted. Isn't a kiss, skin to skin? I am really just confused about "shedding" in general. When I think of the word "shedding", I think of a dog shedding, and they shed from EVERYWHERE. Are all my secretions from my body infected? (Eyes, nose, mouth, vaginal, zits, ect)?
  7. Thank you so much, Willow! I really appreciate you taking the time to read all that and give detailed answers. I think I need to move into the acceptance period and out of denial. I'm just in disbelief.
  8. Hi All, I was so happy to find this group online. I was given the news of a positive culture last Thursday. My blood results are showing negative. I am your typical suburban soccer mom and coach. I've been divorced 2 years. I've had "contact" with 2 two guys since my divorce. (3 sexual partners in my life) One on a regular basis and monogamous (both oral and intercourse), and the other was a friend while on vacation in Vegas on April 11th, 2014. This was just oral sex, but I think this is where it occurred. (Getting an STD in Vegas...so cliche). I got a Brazilian wax 2 days before he gave me oral sex which makes me think it was easier for the virus to enter. I have inquired if he ever had any symptoms and he said he had a cold sore 2 years ago...so it is affirmative that he carries the virus. I went into doc with symptoms of swollen groin lymph node, followed by urine that burned all the way down the urethra and when it would come out. My OBGYN looked and asked if I could have been exposed to herpes. She said I had 2 "matching" infected areas on both sides of my vagina...basically where my underwear would hit. UTI quick test (and subsequent UTI test results) all were negative. She put me on Valtrex that day. I then had issues with my legs that started the next 2-3 days. Pain that started in my feet and moved up my legs. I can only describe this as my feet and legs were hyper sensitive to any pressure put on them and would tire easily. Initially, we only had blood test results back so they put me on antibiotics, thinking that it was a UTI. This helped right away with the urinating issue. Then we got the positive HSV culture tests back. Ok- so that is my story...now to the questions: 1. The culture she took from the spots came back positive for "HSV Culture Without Typing". (She did not order the test to see what type of HSV it is). The blood test is showing negative. I know that this could be because I was "recently" infected. When does the clock start ticking on making antibodies? When you are first exposed or when you have your first outbreak? 2. I feel like a walking infection that is a threat to everyone around me. As I said before, I am a mom and coach and worried that I have somehow infected my children/players before knowing. So the question here is: If I have genital HSV, can it pass through my saliva when I kiss my children? Or when I give a high five to one of my players if I somehow have saliva on my hand? 3. Could this be something else? If I had shingles, for instance, would that show a positive HSV culture on the tests? Especially because they did not differentiate what kind it is? I know I most likely have it. I know this is probably just a case of denial. But I feel like I'd like to ask the questions nonetheless. Thank you in advance for reading this very long post. :(
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