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  1. Just wondering what vitamins/natural herbs/remedies everyone finds helpful? I've heard echinacea is a great way to boost the immune system, but does it really help with OBs? I was also told about soaking in a epson salt or baking soda bath. (which ive tried and works great) and as far as something to put directly on the sores, Im still looking, I have very sensitive skin as it is and am a little scared of harsh substances. please post what works for you, I'm always looking to ease the symptoms and pain.
  2. thank you for your kind words Kaande, I wish you the best with your situation too. maybe one day there will be a cure for us.
  3. Hey boot, nipple piercings are highly sensitive for the the first year. H should not effect it. Talk to your doctor rather than your piercer, they will give you a better explanation. if you are having an OB your immune system might be running "half-speed" so to say. and nipple piercings only 6 months old might not be healed, theres also the possibility of a keliod (painful scar tissue from a piercing) I had the same questions about being able to finish my tattoos and piercings with my doc. I hope this helps you.
  4. First off id like to say what a wonderful site this is, to find and help and to support others with the same condition. I'm 20 years old and have only been in monogamous relationships, used protection, and been very wary about my partners. I just started dating a man whom I've know for ages, we confessed our love and our relationship began. We discussed our sexual history and our health — both of us had a clean bill of health, or so we thought. Our relationship was going great until last week, I complained of soreness and tenderness to him, which i thought was normal after a couple rounds of "fun-time," so I ignored it and carried on with my day. The next day I developed bumps and sores downstairs. We both went to an emergency clinic and saw a doc, I was told the bumps were from shaving and i Just had a bad yeast infection. I was so relieved for that moment in time. As the days went on walking, going to the bathroom, even sitting was very painful. I felt sick and I couldn't bring myself to eat. I knew something still wasn't right! So today after days of worrying, sleepless nights and swollen eyes I finally got into see my GYNO. One look and she knew. I have told my partner, he claims he still wants to see me and that he loves me. My mother is being very supportive and is helping me through. I haven't told my father due to his stresses with work, I don't want to add to it. I've cried, I've been angry, I honestly think I've been through every emotion in the book this past week. I've contemplated killing myself (yes I know thats a terrible and selfish idea, but i could never go through with it anyways) But right now I'm ok, I just wanted to know how everyone else felt when they first found out, like when does life start again, when did you start to feel ok again, happy again? I'm worried about future relationships and my career, I work as a model and actress and having outbreaks would not make me feel very pretty and confident. I worry about my boyfriend and I not working out and then I will have to start dating again and I don't want potential mates to think I'm gross when I tell them. I feel I will never be loved the same way as before. I don't feel clean anymore. did anyone else feel this way?
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