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Posts posted by Geminij

  1. I'm thinking of disclosing for the first time. I've had the virus for over 2 years and never found the courage to. I'm thinking about disclosing to a guy I've met online we've had one date. He's really into me I can tell. I'm not so attracted to him but I'm thinking of disclosing to him as a practise... cos I guess if I decide I'm not that into him I won't be so disappointed if he backs out after the disclosure.


    Is this wrong?

  2. No not at all.

    Starting to think I have HIV or some other disease... But last time I got checked I was clear...

    I'm having my long term birth control implant taken out so that could be playing with my hormones but no idea. I'm so close to the edge

  3. After over two months of back to back OB's I've finally Had enough. Going to the clinic every time for meds takes so much time out

    Of my life and makes the psychological impact of having H so hard. Oh how I wish we could just go to a drug store and buy the medication just like you can buy paracetamol or cold sore cream. Why oh why do we have to be subjected to making an appointment with a doctor every single time? To have to spread my legs so the nurse can put a 'X' on a diagram of a bagina to show where my OB is. Why? For what?


    I need suppressives. As far as I know that means I have to have a monthly repeat prescription that I will have to pay £9 for the tablets. Is there anyway way I can pay up front for a year's supply? They give birth control pills out in packs of 3

    Months at a time... Why not this?


    Does anyone know what I should do to get what I need without having to sneak around and go to doctors appointments all the time and have to keep saying I have herpes over and over again?


    Help... I'm getting desperate and think I'm going to lose it if something doesn't get better for me soon.'

  4. My friends are sick of hearing about it.

    I'm sick of thinking about it.

    I'm sick of missing my ex who I think gave me H (can't be sure)z

    I'm sick of crying in bed alone over a year after we broke up because I descovered he had stolen all my money and was a gambling addict.


    I want so desperately to meet some who I trust enough to disclose to.

    But I can't, and I won't because I'm absolutely madly in love with my ex who has now blocked my number, still hasn't paid me back and is playing happy families with his new girlfriend.


    The pain I feel is devastating. And if it wasn't for H I know I'd have had a rebound to help me move on.


    I'm trying desperately to accept that I'm alone and contemplating living alone/ not having children/ my dream life never really becoming a reality.


    I know that this isn't completely a herpes related problem. But it sure feels lonely out here... With no one who wants to be close to me and no one I trust to be close to.


    The thought of always feeling like this is very frightening.

  5. I just can't help but notice a weird correlation between OB and mouth ulcers. I guess one theory is that I'm run down and stressed so it effects everything but I'm beginning to wonder if I've got oral herpes? I've never had a cold sore on the outer part of my lip. So up till now have believed that I don't have HSV-1 orally.


    Just wondered about this... That's all. They bloody hurt my mouth!

  6. I'm feeling completely judged if I'm honest.


    I've asked him if he put something in my drink. (He's a party guy). He said no I would never do that. He didn't seem too upset that if asked him. I'm not here to talk about whether i was or I wasn't able to consent- and I feel like this is what this topic Has turned into and I've clearly stated that is not what I'm here to talk about.


  7. Did he rape me? No.

    Was I too drunk to give consent? ... I think so...

    It shouldn't have happened. I'm not going to threaten or cry rape because I had sex with him. I wasn't physically forced I just kind of... Lay there and let it happen. I've never had sex with someone without a condom before unless they've been my long term boyfriend. I can vaguely remember me saying 'no way you have no condom' and then him saying are you on the pill to which I said no I'm not but somehow it happened??? I'm so disgusted with myself for getting so drunk. It's my fault. I have the implant contraceptive which means I can't get pregnant. The situation is that I don't feel that he raped me. I allowed myself to be in a situation. It's my fault. And ive probably given him H.


    I've not been to work since. And I'm just going to stay under the duvet for a few more days till this shame passes... Maybe two weeks then if I've not heard from him I'll feel like I got away with it. I didn't pass it. I'll deal with the rest..

  8. I can't! I just can't! I absolutely can not trust this guy. Which is why j shouldn't have slept with him in the first place. He's already told half the town that it happened...


    I've just really messed up and I feel terrible I just wish I could go back in time and un do everything. I'm just going to be alone forever and I need to accept that i might never find love again and et over the fact that my ex has. It just feels so un-just. I know my depression is creeping up on me because I slept till 4pm on Sunday and then went back to sleep at 11.30pm and slept through till 7am for work this morning and I struggled to wake up- I just want to go home and go back to bed. All I do is sleep to try an escape feeling like this.



  9. I'm out of control. It's official, my ex has moved on. And I'm losing control more and more as time goes on.

    I'm getting sooooo drunk- that I'm completely out of control and doing things that I'm waking up and regretting. I had sex (unprotected) with a sore on me.


    Disgusted with myself.


    Of course the poor guy didn't/ doesn't know. I drunkenly made him stay 'away' from that area. (We did behind position). I said no but it happened. I'm not saying that it happened against my will. But more because I was so drunk and floppy that I just couldn't stand by my decision of saying no and it happened. I just did it.


    I'm mortified and don't even want to leave the house. Having nightmares about him calling me and telling me I gave him H. Like the dude that gave it to me.


    I'm absolutely ashamed of myself and don't know what to do. Help! I've never felt this bad I know I'm a bad person

  10. Well he's not been to the doctor yet his appointment isn't until Monday ... Health services are so and in UK at moment. We had a huge argument and I basically said if it is an sti then he's cheated on me. He said he hasn't and his symptoms seem to be going but he's going for a screening anyway to obviously clear this up. I love him so much im just fed up of all this. I believe him that he hasn't cheated on me so I'm calm that it's not an sti... I will be back with more information as soon as he sees the doctor.

  11. The only thing that will come is that if he has chlamydia we break up. He will say ive cheated but inside I'll know and he'll know the truth- that he's cheated... He must have- I can't understand how he would be so sure of himself that that is what it was.


    Its brought back everything all the painful memories of my H diagnosis- I feel dirty and It feels like like I'm actually questioning myself like maybe I have got it- I had h and didn't niw about it what if ive got this too?- but I had a full sti check when I was diagnosed with h! And ive not slept with anyone else other than him since!


    I literally feel like I'm in limbo but ive dont nothing wrong- im so hurt but at the same time im not sure why it's hurting me this much!


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