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Everything posted by twentyone21

  1. Thank you! So helpful! I will definitely try the folic acid! I have been having abnormal cells from HPV since I was 22 and am now almost 27. The Dr seemed surprised that it has not gotten better, but in the past year it has not gotten worse, so that is good I suppose. They have wanted to do a leep procedure but the last time I went the other Dr said that it really wasn't necessary and she would like to hold off on it. I was fine with that because I sure didn't want that to happen!! I sometimes think they make it seem worse than it is. But at the same time you don't want to mess with anything cancer related! (From what they tell me, there are 4 stages of HPV...the 4th stage being cancer...I have been sitting at stage 3 for a little over a year now). So they keep a close eye on me. And the odds of that are great! This is all so helpful! And I am thankful for this group and this new guy who is more than understanding!! I think I found a good one :) Never thought within the first month I'd have convos like this with a new person and then to top it off have them be 100% supportive and willing to do whatever it is to make things better or work! :) What a relief!
  2. Thank you! Yes we actually went to the Dr together for him...He got tested for everything and looked over...so just waiting on all of those results. So from my understanding, if we both have HSV-1 we should be ok and not really have to take any extra precautions? Besides condoms obviously...I am not on any birth control right now so condoms are a for sure must! I just wanted to know that the chance is low that he would get anything genitally from me if we ever did for some reason not use a condom. Assuming I have no BO's at that time. After the first and so far only BO, I would not even THINK about any sexual activity! UFF that was the worst thing I have ever dealt with...and painful!! Yes I've been dealing and getting super familiar with HPV...I'm hoping it goes away soon due to the fact that I am getting a little older...and luckily the guy I am with is older (my dr said age can be a factor sometimes)...so that is what I am hoping haha! Thank you so much for your info..it is greatly appreciated!
  3. So hello all! I am so happy I found a forum that seems so supporting and uplifting! I look forward to communicating and learning with you, all while seeking a little support for myself! So here is my brief story and a couple questions! :) Ok, I am 26 and am back in the dating game after almost 4 years...I have also been dealing with HPV for 4 years and having many abnormal results and cancer testing (I'm at stage 3 with HPV and stage 4 is cancer). Well I am doing ok from that. Anyway, I just met this guy not too long ago...he seems great and have never met anyone like him. Well we fooled around one night and I received oral from him and we had sex, but used a condom. Then we did stuff again...same thing except this time I may have had a small knick from shaving down there. Well the next day I thought my small cut from shaving was infected..boy was I wrong! I woke up 2 days later and I knew something was very wrong with my girl parts! I immediately went to the dr and was terrified as to what was going on. First thing she says when seeing my genitals was that we needed a Herpes test. I got pricked and samples taken (SO PAINFUL!) and blood work taken and was prescribed Valacyclovir. So I left there confused and scared...First thing I did was ask the new guy if he ever got cold sores...he immediately responded and said that he did once in awhile and that the current cut on his lip had turned into a sun blister...I thought I was doomed. I told him something was going on and I had a bad feeling...we actually talked about it and he was so supportive, even not knowing all the facts yet. Well today I got the facts...I have HSV-1 on my genitals. From what I have read I am fortunate to only have the first strain there versus the second strain...so I am relieved for that. My new guy went to get tested for everything and he has yet to get his results back, but told the Dr. our situation and she said it is very likely I contracted the virus at that time. Ok so I have come to understanding how you get it, how to treat it and how to deal with most of it. I am trying to make the best out of this unfortunate situation. You never think these things can happen to you until they do. Anyway here is my main question. I have seen it kinda asked before, but I feel I need to directly ask it to get the clear answer for myself. If he gets his blood work back and tests positive for Oral HSV-1 (which we are both assuming he will since he has a history of cold sores) and I now have HSV-1 genitally, can we ever have sex unprotected? Will he ever be able to get genital herpes from me? If I am clear of any OB's can he give me oral sex? Will I ever be able to get oral herpes from him? I mean we plan to use condoms, but what if we don't one time, I don't want him to get it genitally. From what I have read we should be ok and the chances are slim, but I just need a little more clarification please...It will be greatly appreciated!! :) Thank you everyone!!
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