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Posts posted by mandymoon

  1. Lol your pretty funny so I see that as a big plus but I'm one for that pretty much the same humor. I also have been wondering that and someone somewhere else had mentioned it was fishy I been scared to try it now and I am a w seeking a w so I figured my options would be even harder......then you put my state and that cuts it by thousands so I dunno I would like to hear about it too.

  2. You guys all have your points yes and @fitgirl that is one very true point to the max I mean if you went to court for a visible cold sore nothing would been done but this here is under the belt so yes unlike @Dancer this was a grown ass woman. I dunno it's cray what got me was the ignorant comments I knew I shouldn't have looked at them but lots of haters. Just imagine tho the rap victims that weren't able to do this this woman had consensual sex. Just like we have people here confessing that they had sex without disclosure it's a very delicate situation that could of been them too that's a whole lot of suing in here. Geez I'm sure he felt like shit too

  3. Thankful for another night to hit the sheets. Been so busy chasing after my now walking baby so I just been able to scam and haven't been able to thank those who have responded to my post with those uplifting words. And I also just came across this article I really wanted to share. I thought I was having a rough year and this man is still strong after every single thing he went/still is going through as well. I mean I did have a tough time too but...well I guess we all go through it like a lot of people think of what we see out in the street, their looking soooo happy and I have this...we really don't know is everyone really perfect? Yes we still have hard times cuz we look back at pictures like I wish that was still me or why can't we turn back the time or why did I do that? But we are STILL that person always will be that person we gotta move forward at one point and we are human beings we are in heat just like every other living thing on earth we want love like every human being and we want that passion we gotta own up to that because anything in life is a risk. So him saying these things just gives you a different perspective and if you have to reread go on right ahead. We have remedies and medicine to help this go away. Kamala doesn't. Rest easy folk.



  4. Omg girls i have absolutely no idea what to say but my eyes brightened with your powerful words of wisdom. Joy. For you to take the time to write that i cant thank you enough. I mean life was far from perfect before but like I said it was bam bam bam. I felt like i was undeserving for me and mom to be even in the same sentence I was a vegetable i couldnt do anything for my daughter and with knockers as big as mine i couldnt feed her like wtf do i have these for??!! I didnt do skin to skin and i know thats the most important part of their itty bitty newborn lives I felt like it was my fault for some reason I was disappointed the worsT of feelings. It was awful guys cuz it was when sge needed me most and I failed and something I couldnt get back. Its still a struggle cuz shes so big and independant. I guess as moms were our biggest critics right? It aint easy but so rewarding. But you guys put it so beautifully i teared with appreciation your all beautiful. @dancer i feel you i dislike medication methods but maybe a short period will help. I know your a veteran and such an inspiratikn but i see veterans and they sound scared still and depressing and its like what if thats me I dont want that. But with all your words im trying. You guys totally rock like really. Big ass hugs.


  5. Ugh. I went from crying every chance I could to getting to a point forgetting about H. But I cant help the fact that 2014 was the shittiest year of my life. And with your guys posts i dont see how people could not turn around and be calm because its all right on, but like I said when I get lower back pains, well not really pains but tightness, since my diagnosis it reminds me. And i havent got outbreaks since my first 21/2 mths ago but this annoyance is bothering like wth it wasnt like this. I mean I had the worst c section recovery they resliced me open after the surgery was supposed to heal, but somehow got nastily infected. 3 months for it to close again going in everyday for dressing changes. Not being able to breast feed my sweet angel, that there killed me deep. Then hit with scabies then hit with headlice then whoop what do you know blisters! Im not looking for feelings of pity I just want someone to tell me something different. i know we all get good with bad. but this was all just horrid

  6. Thx a bunch glad my message Camera out right!!:) @inka funny its not the first time I heard that. And we do. It sucks that we gotta be diagnosed to get a grip of it ya know. It should be easier for me since I have cold sores and its the same damn thing I just thought I was smarter than this crap. It just hit me that it was there and hoe freakin easily it is spread had no clue. I mean is it bad to deal with it and be ok?

  7. I was passing by our insane asylum ( where they filmed One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest) looking at our beautiful dusk. Loooove fall by the way love the smell, colors, and not to mention The Walking Deads return eeekk!!! It never fails thinking about life. How crazy and chaotic it could be and think of those stuck behind those walls. And I'm out here listening to Credence Clearwater under the rising moon. Life it can be so beautiful and I hate not taking advantage. 2 things I feared getting this or being a patient in that enormous building within 4 enclosed walls waiting on people to feed me or being on someone else's schedule. And I'd rather be like this this is something we can control and be out running wild we can so go on, but what I'm saying is this is normalcy, enjoying life is too, cold sores more than half the world has them why fret forever. We all get dealt different cards everyday. And I know damn sure I don't want to end up in there. Although very intriguing, thinking I want to do something with those with mental issues I watch a lot of ID so it pulls me in studying killers and why they do what they do get in there deep, I want to live free just like I always have. I mean you don't wanna pass it like hot potato, but we eventually we all move on like someone with ulcerative colitis, eczema, or psoriasis can. It's a pesky part of life. I can go on so much more but people It gets so much easier:) unlike those that sadly have to live life confined.

  8. Awesome!! And well said well said. That's how we all are when we first get diagnosed. I don't think anyone here has done the tap your heels in the air jump when hearing that we caught what we thought was the worst thing that can happen to us. But most of us overcome that and I'm almost too months, but sadly some do let it get to them going insane over a skin condition. It's life it's normal herpes invades almost 90% of the US at some point so your a minority not having any type and it can happen to anyone. When I first heard those words I was like maaaannn your crazy I'm going in my shell and never coming out!!! But no way it isn't a done deal, it sucks n we may get down on ons, but what illness doesn't from colds to eczema. Thanks my friend and thanks to those who have chined me up to mostly @Dancer because she's an og :)

  9. Wow thats amazing Xtina. I have my days too but I'm getting there as well. Thank u. I mean we all wish we could change that time we knew, but were sexual human beings and nothing will take that away. This shouldnt be a death sentence were not tainted. But like you said it sucks but we have skin everywhere and unfortunately there's rashes down there too and we dont know when it could happen like chickenpox acne or asthma. We didnt bring this to the world but it's up to us to stay tough just like any other human being. This world is full of diseases.

  10. Hun your not alone Im realizing more and more of this disease you arent the first and wont be the last. I know as individuals we dont see it cuz of the pain but we need to take care of ourselves to supress it thankfully we dont have sores everyday the rest of our lives. Life comes with this diseases and all so its up to us to keep it away as much as we can. Please dont think of ending your life because of a petty disease. You yourself have control of your esteem and with the help of medicine you can contril it as well stay strong young one.

  11. Hi there Im pretty new to this too and thats crazy thats what i was just thinking too. Life is life and we dont want to be negative even tho its hard for anyone we have no choice. This truely sucks butreally i reacted way more calmly than i thought I would. N gooling n seeing those gruesome images dont help. But what can we do ya know this gives us no choice but to keep us in check happy healthy and living is a way we can look at it. If you need to talk i know I do at times I can def use an h buddy stay strong n positive those points u made are right on. I have my moments of breaking down but i know those will pass too

  12. Woosah. I needed that or maybe a slap in the face woulda been better. Like I just mentioned on your post im a big worry wart and all those horrific things I feared came to haunt me. But thank God this hasnt. Just timing made me pull my hair out since I did that and saw a rash on her. Its now looking like a diaper rash.so I pray this is not the case on this case I wouldnt be able to live with myself if I even gave that chance to spread it the internet doesnt help at all. Thats awesOme dancer and as you shall kiss your loved ones as much as we need it nothing better than affection it just sucks there even repercussions for something that special especially for the wee ones they are the ones that loves gmas hugs n kisses most


  13. hey guys i know how fast these bastards can spread im so scared i can pass it to my baby still learning new things n ignorant to this it seems still but a while back i licked my fingers after eating n didnt wash my hands my dumb brain let it slip after then a little while later i wiped and changed her diaper is it easily spread that way? not only do i have gh but cold sores too

  14. :) I mean im slowely but surely steppin into reality theres ups n downs just like everyone else. I don't care for the stigma although it sucks n needs to go away I miss going potty freely n paranoid everytime I go to feel a sting n im not a fan of medicine im an alternative natural type. It urks me n thinking about the google images is what haunted me the most make one faint. As for my baby shell know nothing but positivity n strength shes my angel n when I look at her I forget about all about lifes worries she n my family are my big supporters!!! N although it bites its nice to know theres not 2 or 10 but millions of us in this risky life something I so tried to avoid once again thanks a lot kind one





  15. First off thank you for taking the time and welcoming me second thing is thank you for your info and support. Your right with it all oral sex is wonderful especially when its someone you are head over heels an emotional show of love. And your sooo right life is a ball of risk totally. I mean my dr that diagnosed me said remember dont kiss or perform oral when you have a sore. So when i read it on the internet i wasnt so convinced cuz i was like she is a dr she knows better. So it wasnt drilled but like i kept precautions too cuz i didnt want the blisters to touch nothing either way n like i said my body always gave me a warning except obviously this last time we failed. n he knew definately thats y i would abstain n let him know y everytime. I wouldnt ever not do that to him, leave him in the dark about my obs. shedding ptho I had no clue about that.I mean noNe of us ever ask for this unless obs were in glitter than it would be awesome

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