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  1. Yes, it is the same areas where I had the initial OB years ago, I just thought it strange that this OB appeared only on the left side for a full week, then showed up on the right side as well.
  2. I've had genital herpes for 13 years. I do not know whether it's HSV 1 or 2, as I was only diagnosed visually. I had a few outbreaks during the first few years, but then nothing (at least nothing that I noticed) for about 8 years until now. About a week and a half ago, after shaving "down there," I noticed what I thought was razor burn...really just itchy and irritated looking rather than blisters. As it started to spread and look more irritated rather than getting better, I realized it was most likely my first outbreak in 8 years. It was on my inner, upper left thigh only (directly adjacent to the genital region, but actually on the thigh). As much as it itched and I knew I shouldn't, I continued shaving over the region because the timing coincided with a week long beach vacation, where I planned on basically living in a swim suit. The original area on the left thigh still isn't improving, and as of a couple days ago, I've now noticed the same type of "irritation" in the same area but on the right thigh. Is that normal for a recurrent outbreak, especially when I almost never get outbreaks, to continue to spread/pop up in another region a week after it began? I thought a recurrent outbreak would be improving and not spreading by this point.
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