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  1. About 1 year ago, I discovered a large bottle of Zovirax in the bedroom of the guy I was sleeping with. He had told me he was STD free. I then found out he was sleeping with many different women at the time. I stopped seeing him but about 2 weeks later I noticed unusual discharge and had a fever, fatigue, sore throat, and general weakness. I went to Urgent Care and they said I had HSV2. I was very scared. I told no one. I still have told no one. I started on Valtrex for a few days at that time and NEVER developed sores/blisters/ulcers. As time went on, I basically forgot (or maybe chose to forget.. because I didnt know how to cope with it) that I had HSV2. It's been one year now with NO OBs, no signs of it, and suddenly this past weekend I noticed an itchy sore spot (which I thought was a yeast infection)... well it turned into blisters and is now a full on open shallow painful ulcer!!! HELP! Is this considered a primary outbreak since I never had sores/ulcers the first time I was diagnosed?! I know the first time can be the worst... Or is this a recurrent OB? I thought recurrent OBs were not supposed to get worse than the first time?! If this IS recurrent, is it a good sign then that it happened a full year after i was diagnosed? Does that mean maybe it will come even less often from now on? Or should I be worried that now that i've had ulcers, i'll continue to get them.. I'm dealing with this pain/fear/loneliness all over again with these sores....How long will they take to go away? it has already been 5 days since I first noticed pain in the area and the ulcers are still not scabbing over.... Also, I know that for initial OBs you should take Valtrex for 10 days and for recurrent only 3 days. Which dosage should I follow here??
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