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Everything posted by Hopeliveshavefaith

  1. @WCSdancer2010 well I don't know if I had an outbreak and didn't recognize it as an outbreak genitally. I honestly don't know what genital herpes looks like because on google they look so chronic. And Yes I have outbreaks orally which is literally just 1 cold sore on the top of my lip. I can always feel it coming.. I did have a blood test and she told me I tested positive for "exposure" but I'm thinking about it now I may have it orally.. It just sucks because I've had STD screenings before . And they say they test for everything but obviously don't' . When she told me she made it seem like she was diagnosing me in a nice way.. But thank you so much for responding to me !
  2. Thank you you the words of encouragement. I appreciate it so much. It means a lot to me
  3. My doctor told me about 2 weeks ago that I tested positive for herpes exposure. When she told me I almost had a nervous break down . I have been in a relationship for 5 years and he is the only person I have ever been with. I'm only 17.. I get occasional cold sores on my lip but I always thought that was normal. I know I contracted it from my boyfriend because I started getting them about 2 years ago and their was one time where I first got it and it was ridiculously painful. I would assume that to be my first outbreak. I love him and I am not resentful toward him at all. I would guess I have HSV 1 .. Not sure if I have it genitally because so many people say they never have symptoms. When the doctor told me my mind went blank . I found out on his birthday.. My family is so judgmental .. What will people think of me? I've had 2 STD screenings prior to this one and never realized that they never test for herpes it's horrible! I've cried so much these passed couple of weeks. It is so emotionally draining. I recently joined a site called experience project to help ease my mind. And someone referred me to this site. I keep thinking what if my partner and I don't work out ( God forbid ) who will want me ? Who won't judge me ? I think of me having children in the future if I do have Genital herpes. I recently had an internship at a clinic in which I had access to my medical records. I look because I was curious and the doctor put "venereal disease" in my file. When I saw that I went to the nearest restroom and just balled my eyes out. I think about everything . Prior to this I already had issues with myself. I didn't know how to be happy. This is almost like an extra burden . But I came here for kind words of advice because herpes is not who I am it's what I have !
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