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Posts posted by Jennie

  1. I have ghsv-1 but I couldn't tell you if it was from oral or regular sex. No one I was with had cold sores *to my knowledge, but then again, I guess my BEST friend use to get them, and I never knew that either. Also, didn't know they had it genitally if they did either. The unsolved mystery.


    I actually brought up oral sex to my current boyfriend, that is the one thing he won't do since I found out about H (to me, he accepts blowjobs no problem, haha.) I said, if you already ever had cold sores its not like I can give it to you again, at first he was adamant that he has never had cold sores, but when I brought it up again recently he said maybe when he was a kid he did. So.... even if he never got another cold sore its still in his body! Just shows, if it was so long ago people don't even remember! Scary thought.

  2. I don't know much about HPV and google is a daunting place to try and learn about it. Maybe you could ask her about it? Not only will she most likely be knowledgeable (I feel like an expert on herpes at this point) but it will show that you are at least willing to learn and she will appreciate that. May even help with your connection(:

  3. We all go through this and most of the time we do get H from someone we cared about. Not only does the diagnosis itself hurt, but so does the feeling of betrayal! We all think what if, if only, but sadly life doesn't have a rewind button. The world would constantly run backwards if it did!


    You're sunny personality will be a great asset on the road to healing! I don't use e-mail much but you can always private message me on here and I use facebook a lot.


    Also, you have come to the right place there are so many wonderful, compassionate, and knowledgeable people on here!


    I feel like herpes is spreading so much because either people don't know they have it OR they get drowned in the stigma and are too ashamed or scared to disclose - and too selfish to abstain.

  4. Well look at it the other way, is she willing to compound her situation with herpes? HPV is the most common std and it isn't usually a big deal at all. In most cases less annoying than H (considering she knows and has been treated so that prevents the cancer). And I thought the hpv that can cause cancer only does in women?

  5. I have GHSV-1, although my current bf doesn't go down on me, which is his choice, still sucks ():) before I ever found out I had H my ex went down on me all the time and he never got a cold sore on his mouth. But idk the risks and if he had genital H then the antibodies would protect him. I read online that genital to oral transmission was rare. period, didn't specify a type. If you have 2 your pretty safe, with 1, probably slightly more of a risk but it doesn't shed as much down there so I would still imagine the risk is small.

  6. I felt the need to tell my friend because she is there for me in my darkest moments and frankly its easier talking to someone about the yucky genital problems in yummy detail with someone who will sympathize but doesnt ever see it or ya know is sexual with me.


    Other than the emotional support I feel no need to disclose to people I don't plan on being intimate with

  7. Exactly. She is the one who I can turn to when there isn't anyone else. She is my forever friend. That is why I was so scared to tell her, but also why it was necessary to do so. It just strengthened our friendship(: And I have no fears that she will ever use it as ammo. Its nice to have a best friend, someone where you can always feel secure.


    I have slowly been cutting out the negative people. I don't really even need to disclose about H to find out who they are. I've always known really. Just said goodbye to someone yesterday, and you know what? It felt GREAT! I felt no sense of loss, they are the ones who are losing out.

  8. I am putting this as my first success story. I was honestly more nervous about telling my bestie than my partner! She has been my best friend for years, and though she is an amazing and loving person, I have known her to be a bit judgmental. Therefore I originally decided not to tell her. Luckily I did, I finally disclosed. I said, hey well you know that hypothetical std discussion we had? Well, its my reality, I tested positive for h, type 1...


    Not even a grain of judgment. She said she loved me and if there was anything she could do to make any of this better she was there. Today she even had some questions, which I am glad she asked about. She asked if that was the same type that usually caused cold sores and I said yes. She then told me that she used to get cold sores as a kid. She said, you know the more I know about it the more it doesn't seem like a big deal at all.


    I also informed her that she could give her girlfriend ghsv1 even though she hasn't had a cold sore outbreak since she was young. I told her about shedding. That information is correct right? I said it was possible, and that it was just something for her to think about.


    The world really needs to be informed on THE TRUTH!

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