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Posts posted by Jennie

  1. Thank you @willow I really did love your post! I think I'll look up some of those jokes(: Knowledge is power and the reality is, because of herpes I will probably be a healthier person (physically and mentally) than if I didn't have it.


    PLUS, the people who truly matter to me are there for me and love me no matter what anyways. (In fact, my boyfriend told me he loved me today for the first time! Yay, had to over share for a second!!! (: )


    When I first found out, or around that time, which seems like forever ago but was in fact a month ago, I went to the movies to see Let's Be Cops and in the movie one of the guys got paid 11,000$ to be in a genital herpes commercial, I mean it was a comedy so obviously it was to make fun. The guy was like what? They found me in a mall and offered me 11 grand! Plus its great exposure! So I don't know, I did laugh the commercial was funny. And I appreciated the fact that whoever wrote the script added the "its great exposure" line even though at the same time they insinuated that they had to find random people in malls because "real actors" refused to do the commercial, lol. Off to go find some really good jokes!

  2. Thank you Dancer, as always thank you! These aren't the kind of kids who would care to be educated, but I didn't let it bring me down for long anyways. I think its almost harder being a young adult or teenager with this because most young adults and teenagers will refuse to try to relate or sympathize unless it is directly affecting them somehow. They still have that immortal attitude going on (if that ever goes away). But I do know they didn't mean anyone, especially me, harm and if they knew the truth they would most likely apologize and try to sympathize. It doesn't make them bad people, they are just ignorant of the situation and ignorant about the virus.


    In my head I was just thinking, yeah, I can imagine, and you know what? I'm sitting here laughing with you and I am perfectly fine and healthy(: No big deal.




    Wish I could have been there this weekend(:

  3. Okay, so I just want to share this with people who understand. I have faced a minor set back in my quest for happiness after herpes. Today I was with a group of friends (well a few friends and more friends of friends). It was a very nice time and we had a lot of good laughs. However, somehow the topic got onto herpes. Like someone was talking about purple and then shortened it to purps and that rhymes with herps and there you have it! And it was all a good laugh for them. "Herpes the herp haha omg can you imagine?" blah blah blah.. I just cast my eyes down. Played it cool. But damn... a little punch to the gut right there. It isn't like everyone doesn't make fun of other (more) serious things and they don't know if those around them are suffering... and now I know how it feels to be that person, secretly suffering from their fun making. Boo..

  4. I am really not sure where I got it, only three options though. The first claimed negative, the second won't get tested, and I'm with the third right now and since there were rumors about me and he's the one who asked me if I had it and then I got tested it is unlikely it came from him. (Though he is planning to get tested soon, regardless where it came from he could have it.) ):


    If it was from the first guy that'd make six years without symptoms, if from the second four years, and if the third then six months.


    Unfortunately I was not consistent with condoms


    I have no room for anger towards any of them in my heart. It takes two and this day and age casual sex is like, a thing these days. Its the norm and young people especially just aren't being careful. I never slept around and all my relationships were very meaningful. Still I was reckless, I never thought it would happen to me, no way! What a reality check.


    Hugs to all <3

  5. Thank you and sorry about the numerous posts! I couldn't figure out how to delete them when I realized.


    I've never had any signs of a cold sore! In any case, its pointless to be so concerned where it came from, only that I now know the truth and can do something to better myself and protect the people I care about.. My next step is to make a follow up appointment and that is when I'll be sure to figure out which type it is.


    One day at a time!

    Thank you

  6. I was recently (officially) diagnosed with genital herpes. I am uncertain which type but until I see my doctor again, which will hopefully be soon, I assume it is hsv-2.


    Here it goes... I recently got out of a four year relationship. Never in that time have I knowingly experienced an outbreak. One year into this relationship my boyfriend at the time experienced what he feared was an outbreak. I did not believe it was herpes, how could that be possible?! We were faithful to each other and intimate with each other for a year! So being obsessive me I scoured the internet - male yeast infections and herpes outbreaks could be mistaken for each other.. I found my scape goat. Along with my convictions that the doctors were incompetent as they only looked at his "outbreak" and diagnosed him. No swabs, no blood tests, the hell? To be safe, I got blood tested at my own doctors. I never received the results and had been back several times after my test so I assumed it was negative.


    Let me also note that I was immediately to blame for him having herpes. I didn't see how damaging his blame was to me at the time but why? I have only slept with two people! Life is not fair.


    Any ways, after his symptoms cleared up, it was like all of it never happened. We literally forgot about it and were together another three years without either of us experiencing any kind of symptoms. I was young and dumb and did not protect myself like I should have. So who knows how long I have actually had it? Could have been since the very first time we had sex or the very last, somewhere in between...


    After we broke up - which was a terrible and prolonged break up - I started seeing an amazing guy who could make me smile again, who could make me laugh and feel confident and amazing. We hung out for a while and our connection was electric! And the sex.... wow. And there was little ol' naïve and stupid me completely oblivious. Herpes didn't even cross my mind! Yet suddenly there was a nasty (can I call it a rumor if it turns out to be true?).. well people were telling the new guy I was seeing that I had herpes and he finally worked up the courage to ask me. When he did I felt like an elephant was dropped on me. Immediately I denied it! Of course! But then the memories came back and I told him that I would get tested. That very same week I had a uti and got treated for it, that is when the symptoms started coming. I couldn't believe it, I stressed myself into my first outbreak!


    I got tested but told the doctor I wasn't experiencing symptoms - there were no bumps or anything, just the tingling at that time. I waited over a week. The doctor called me at 9 at night and I missed the call. He left a voicemail saying everything was all set! I was with my guy when I listened to the voicemail, it was an amazing feeling, though I was confused. Suddenly I get a call from an unknown number and they wouldn't stop calling til I answered. It was the doctor again. He clarified that everything was fine *except for the herpes. Wow. I think that little hiccup just made it all worse. I told my guy right away before I lost the nerve. I cried and cried, my biggest concern was that I could have given it to him. This boy that I care so much about! I was terrified he would hate me. He took my hand and said he didn't want me out of his life, he wanted to see where this goes. Honestly I think that saved my life. I considered suicide so often the past two weeks. So often.


    The next day I called for a prescription - since I now knew what I was experiencing is the big H. I got medicine but still haven't been able to get an appointment. Now, what seems like so much later, but has only been ten days, I'm on the last of my meds and it seems to just be getting worse.


    A few days ago I felt almost 100% again, so I shaved. Now today a bunch of little bumps showed up and I only have one more day of medication left. I am so frustrated! I know my guy is getting frustrated with me too, because I've been so depressed. This is so trying on a new relationship and I'm trying to keep my head up, but this is where I am at right now...


    So there's my story.


  7. Hello, I am very newly diagnosed and experiencing my first outbreak (that will never seem to end)! Someone to talk to would be life saving.


    I am a 21 year old female living in Maine! For a buddy I'm really looking to reach out for a lasting friendship where we can support each other in the case of herpes or any of life's struggles. I just really don't want to feel so alone. I have no preferences in age, location, or gender, knowing friendship comes in all forms! <3

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