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Everything posted by mom2princess09

  1. For the sake of being able to disclose to a current or future partner honestly and accurately? That's a pretty good reason. The person I'm when IS VERY MUCH AWARE.... Again, I'm not in denial about having the H. I'm looking for advice to manage it without having to load up on medication.
  2. Because it seems silly to pay for a test to confirm something I know I have. And then I run the risks of being misdiagnosed as many others have been. If I wanted to get medication for it, then I would go to a doctor. But I'd rather not depend on medication. I've never had cold sores and my outbreaks are entirely too frequent and severe to be type 1. So I'm not questioning that I have it. As much as I'd like to live in denial, based on my history, I know I have it. I just don't know how long before it becomes manageable.
  3. Background info: First, I have never actually been diagnosed with H. I noticed my first blister in March of 2014 but never thought anything of it until I got my second occurrence that following July. Then I kept getting the blisters in the same (approximate) spot just about every month ever since. I get my outbreaks right when my hair stops and the fleshy pink skin starts at the top of my vagina. Sometimes every 3 weeks or so. But now i steadily get them about every 4-6 weeks. I've also never had any other symptoms like the swollen glands or the flu like traits. However. I noticed that today I have a new ulcer that has developed in the fold of the lip (sorry I don't know the proper terminology). This one is much bigger, its pure white and surrounded by these little small red lesions that are actually peeling. This looks similar to a rash I get sometimes in my inner though from moisture build up, except without the ulcer. This one ulcer looks different than the blisters I have gotten in the past, they have always been smaller and pink. This new one looks just like the canker sores I get inside my mouth. I've also suffered from canker sores for about 5 years, they're more painful sometimes. I never started getting those until I was in my early 20's. Additionally, I've noticed that I have thick white vaginal discharge (which is sometimes yellowish or even a light green maybe) when the blisters show up. The discharge I've actually had since I had my daughter which was also in my early 20's. My point is, I've been getting these blisters quite often for the last 2 years. And instead of becoming less frequent, its been constant and seems to be getting worse. I thought I'd be getting blisters only a few times a year by now? Why is it only getting worse?!
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