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Everything posted by truthis25

  1. Hello all... I'm just going to post about my experience with this virus. I was diagnosed with hsv-1 on my genitals about a year ago, when my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and initially got infected but decided not to think anything of his sickness and continued to lie to me until I (obviously) found out the truth. My outbreak with this was really weird. I got very sick, flu-like symptoms, but I also broke out into a bad rash on my arm. The doctor did not know what it was. I also had gotten a cold sore on my lip but the doctor said it did not look anything like a typical hsv-1 cold sore as it was not near the corners of my lips, just smack right in the center. Anyways I did a lot of research and I was even told by medical professionals, if I did not have an outbreak I was fine to have sexual relations. I was told hsv-1 doesn't "like" to be on the genitals so outbreaks are far less. From personal experience, BOTH are lies. - I get mild hsv-1g breakouts, sometimes It feels like once a month. It does not hurt and I cannot see it but I learned to tell the difference. It actually looks like little cuts as opposed to sores. I was not warned of this. - it is VERY EASY to infect someone else, and to my regret I know this for a fact. I feel so terrible about this because I hate my ex for giving me this disease and now I have given the burden to a good friend, yes even with a condom, because they don't cover the sores. Also, forget about foreplay. That should never happen as well. The result of this has also made me feel so sick sometimes. I think I get sick easier, now, so I have been on top of my health in regards to what I eat. I am also so turned off by sex, too, after I learned the truth of this and how EASY it is to transmit regardless of an active breakout or not. The quote "the gift that keeps on giving" is more truth than any medical advice. I'm also the butt of all jokes at parties when people take shots out of the same bottle, "I hope no one has herpes!" Though I have learned it is not transmitted by actions like sharing lipstick or drinking from the same bottle or using the same utensils. I feel like all the information on the internet is so screwed up. I just feel so shitty sometimes. I have met a nice guy who I really like but I just feel like a fraud because I know I have this virus. On top of that I got this from someone who I was committed to- and everyone associates this with being a slut. I have a new gyno and when i told them of my history I got weird looks. This sucks
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