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Posts posted by ShaeShae

  1. Our first date was on May 23. We immediately clicked, so I sort of started gearing myself up for it right then, having a feeling that this one could work. I didn't feel totally positive 100% of the time, but who does? I disclosed on the evening of June 6 when he came over to keep me company during one of my migraines. I opened by telling him that I felt we were developing a really good thing. One that I hoped was going to continue for a long long time. So I told him that I felt if he were to know "the very worst possible thing about me" and be ok with that, that we'd have a fighting chance. So he said "okay, hit me with it". So I H-Bombed him and he didn't even flinch, just replied with a shrug and a "So? Is that supposed to change my mind? Because it doesn't."

  2. Our first date was on May 23. We immediately clicked, so I sort of started gearing myself up for it right then, having a feeling that this one could work. I didn't feel totally positive 100% of the time, but who does? I disclosed on the evening of June 6 when he came over to keep me company during one of my migraines. I opened by telling him that I felt we were developing a really good thing. One that I hoped was going to continue for a long long time. So I told him that I felt if he were to know "the very worst possible thing about me" and be ok with that, that we'd have a fighting chance. So he said "okay, hit me with it". So I H-Bombed him and he didn't even flinch, just replied with a shrug and a "So? Is that supposed to change my mind? Because it doesn't."

  3. I have been absent from the forums lately. Playing at the dating game, with minimal success. I created another dating profile (meeting local guys in my small community is SO TOUGH!). I made this one this time around without any disclosure. I had had a successful disclosure earlier this year, when embarking on a purely "No Strings" relationship, one which ended on a positive note when he moved away. I missed an opportunity to disclose a few months back as well, when the long distance became too much of an issue for both of us.


    And then I met Loma. Hardworking, family oriented, kind, an incredible sense of humor, and blue eyes that just don't quit. I'm tearing up even as I type this because I disclosed. With my heart in my throat, I dropped the H-Bomb on him. And he responded immediately with "I don't care". Ever since my diagnosis, I felt so determined to persevere, when truthfully I felt as if a significant portion of my life had been put on "Pause", that there were certain parts of it that may never get back on track. And I was attempting to come up with my "Plan B", in the event that maybe I wouldn't find the right one.


    But he doesn't care. And even with numerous discussions since that recent first one, he has proven time and again that he doesn't care. He went home and did his research on his own, and immediately called me to tell me that he had, and that he still doesn't care. In his words "Most people have some form of it already, and even with that slight chance that I may get it, it still means that I am with you, and always will be. And that's worth more than worrying about this little bit of nothing. Because that's all this is, NOTHING".


    We just had our first sleep over. And H never even crossed my mind, not even once, as we began to get to know each other on the physical level. And until deciding to take to the forums today, H ceases to even cross my mind around him. He has helped me to give it greater insignificance as our actual relationship takes greater significance. With Loma, I don't feel like just another H statistic anymore, I feel like a woman, the woman I feared I had lost. For the first time in longer than I can remember, I am feeling one thing only: JOY.


    I will update again later.

  4. Long ish story short, I started seeing somebody new just recently. He's smart, funny, and so handsome. We're clicking on unimaginable levels. And so I feel it is time, because sex and intimacy have begun to enter the discussion.


    I am posting today because I really really really really could use a "pre disclosure boost" if you will. This is my most important one since my diagnosis, because I feel like I've got a shot at a guy who seems to really GET me. But is he truly going to get me still, once I lay all the cards on the table? I am disclosing in 9 days when I see him again (sort of ish long distance relationship, 2 hours apart). This cannot be done over the phone


    Send me your positive energy. I want to keep him. But I can't unless he is open to this. I need good vibes!

  5. @WCSDancer2010 is right. I came out recently to overwhelming support. The outpouring of love was uplifting to say the absolute least. Am I all better emotionally? No way! I have only just begun to scratch the surface of this healing journey. And my posts, from my very first to my most recent are testament to the emotional elevator I am riding. Up and down and up and down again! I have learned so many valuable things already though: the love I never knew people had for me, but also the level of cruel to which others can stoop. The level of strength the likes of which I never knew I had, but also the amount of growing up I still need to do in the areas of self forgiveness and love.


    Also. . . DESITIN!!! Desitin was my very best friend during my first and so far only outbreak. Can be a little messy though so I only used it at night, which helped me sleep a lot better.

  6. Thank you, @WCSDancer2010. Obviously you can tell how hard I am struggling right now. For a while there, I felt so inspired! So uplifted! That feeling is beginning to fade, I am losing my grip on it. Being alone on the holiday in no way helped.


    And it strikes me a disgustingly ironic that the one man I had wanted rejected me as filth. And the one man who absolutely repels me, is so easily forgiving of my condition and still wants to be with me. God what a joke!


    My latest fear in snagging an H- partner concerns the fear of them eventually contracting it. Because I certainly would never want to be the one at fault for knowingly making another person feel the way I have felt these last months. I'm guilty before I've even done anything. I imagine accidentally giving it to him, even with him having been accepting of it, and then him using that as some kind of messed up guilt trip or weapon against me in moments of anger. Sure there's antivirals (they can't honestly be worth all those ghastly side effects can they??), and there's condoms (buzzkill!), but I want a family one day which only poses more risk to him. Where's the balance?


    I am in counseling right now. He is sadly unavailable during the holiday so I do not see him again until the 5th. It is hard waiting with this elephant following me around everywhere I go. I knew that coming out and having my spirits lifted would be only temporary and that the demons would come crawling back out of the dark again. I have been turned from a sexy and vivacious, intimate woman into a dud who can't even masturbate anymore.


    I don't know where to begin to work on me. Because I don't even know who "me" is anymore.

  7. Christmas. . . The most AWFUL time of year!! I left my family gathering early yesterday, unable to stop crying. I drove home and spent the rest of the day alone. Merry F***ing Christmas, eh?


    I felt good for a while after 'coming out'. My friends spoke to me of bravery, strength and courage. I am sinking back into an emotional low point though. My anxiety is running high which I can always tell by the fact that I'm nauseous and or vomiting every day again. And my appetite swings wildly from non existent to insatiable.


    I dipped briefly into the dating pool. And after coming out via facebook, one guy I had gone on a couple dates with and had already "friend zoned" texted to let me know it doesn't change anything between us. Fantastic buuuuut. . . I could have sworn I'd already broke things off with him. But then it comes down to, what if he's the only guy that ever accepts this thing? But then I harbor ZERO attraction to him. In fact I find him irritating and silly. But still. He could save me from a life of solitude.


    I checked out H+ dating sites and found literally FIVE GUYS in my area on there, all of whom are so clearly ashamed of their condition, they had no profiles to speak of. No photos, next to no information, nothing to otherwise attract my attention. And none of whom had been online within the past 2 weeks. Excellent!


    There is a semi large city about 2 hours from me. The results there were more promising. Only why should I give up the life I love here in my little town all for the privilege of having an H+ partner? I want to begin dating within my community only, and that seems an awful sacrifice to have to make. I have uprooted and moved for a guy before. I made 100% of the sacrifice for his love. And it was stupid.


    I am sad today. Lonely and sad.

  8. Just a healthy curiosity cropping up today. My two youngest nieces have HSV1. Quite sevetely, I might add. Especially the 5 year old. She's a high-strung little thing just like her poor mother (my sister) who gets unspeakably horrible cold sores due to her seeming inability to not be a bundle of nerves! The youngest frequently develops sores on her fingers. I saw the girls 4 days ago, at which point they were both in the process of brewing up some cold sores. They have now come down with Hand Foot and Mouth for the second time in two years. Is there a correlation between the HSV virus and whatever causes HFandM?

  9. Thanks guys! This gives me a lot to work with!


    Unfortunately Meetup was a bust for me. My community is small (about 30,000). So there were only 3 groups in my area! But that gives me a clean slate to start with. I'll contact my local pregnancy resource center and hospital for some resources. And I'll tap my doctor as a resource too since she's a good friend.

  10. Hi all,


    So I've been thinking. . . And thinking some more. And one thing I simply can't put to rest is the idea of how unfair it is that there is no support network in my local community. No group for H+ locals to tap into for support and advice. The nearest support group to me is 4 1/2 hours away!! This makes me sad. There must be others within my community who could use this. I CAN'T be the only one here who feels like this!


    So my question is.. Where to begin. I've never done anything like this before. I see a need and with all my heart I want to fill it. Has anybody else on here done this before?

  11. Hi all,


    Just curious to know if I may be having or might be about to have an oral outbreak? I woke up this morning and noticed a small blister on my top lip. It is now lunch time and the blister is gone. . . Could this be a sign of more to come or does anybody else have the occasional event like this? I am not having any tingling or pain though my lips have been exceptionally dry in this weather.

  12. @Cmph. . . . You don't need to know where to begin, because you've already begun! You know what you want, you've just said so. Now go out and grab it! There's no hard or fast rule to the "how" of getting there, but the "when". For me, it's all about stepping outside my comfort zone and trying new things. Even if it's a new food or a new hairstyle, or the absolutely outrageous pair of pants I just picked up at the thrift store the other day. These little things matter in BIG ways! I look at myself in the mirror every morning and I smile at the woman I see in there and remind her that she is beautiful and strong. I have been through sooooo much worse than H! So I know now I can handle it! The perspective is that yes, it is simply a nuisance skin condition that just happens to be located in a really bad spot. It's the location of it that breeds all the nasty stigma. But it's just a skin condition.


    As far as preparing yourself for the worst. . . That is why I told my friends and family who I love, because if I get rejected again, I have them to fall back on. Their kind words have given me new strength and understanding that I may HAVE this disease, but I will never BE this disease and anybody who can't understand that does not deserve me.


    As one kind member did for me once, in my darker days: Tell me 3 things that you love about YOU?


    P.S. My voice is still shaking!

  13. Hi @Cmph!


    Your post really hit me hard. Only because I have been there. In many ways I am still there! But I am also living proof, in this moment, that it absolutely DOES get better! But you're going to have to be willing to work. And work HARD. Because none of this is easy, especially in the beginning. I am exhausted from "fighting the good fight". But I have learned in a very brief period that giving up is not an option, because I nearly did. It would be only too easy to give up on my dreams and throw out all of my plans and lock myself away from the world. It's the easy route, but not the right one. The right one is to open yourself up and heal. In any way you can. I have taken many healing steps lately that scared the ever living hell out of me, every one. But they are paying off in a big way. I am not healed by any means, that will be a long journey, as all healing journeys are. Upon learning of my diagnosis and being rejected by my boyfriend, I immediately entered counseling. I have a compassionate and unbiased ear to pour all of my pain and fear into and it helps. It is so uplifting and helpful. I highly recommend it. I also came out a few days ago to all of my closest friends and family through my Facebook page. Now, not saying that this is for everyone, but through the encouragement of a fellow "H-Opper", I did it. And you know what I got in return? LOVE. . . Piles and mounds and gobs of love. From everybody. Maybe that is something to consider. I have slept better and laughed more since then, which is a HUGE deal for me, as I truly love to laugh.


    Again, none of this has been easy. And I'm not "all better". But I'm feeling relief. And a new sense that with more time and forward momentum, things will indeed continue to get better. I am a stronger woman today than yesterday. And tomorrow I will be stronger still. You have to simply make the decision that this is NOT going to define you. And anybody who doesn't accept and love you even with this, was never worth your time to begin with. I'm reminding myself of that everyday. Contact me anytime. I'm always looking for more people here to connect with. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, YOU ARE NOT RUINED, YOU ARE NOT LOST.

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