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  1. Okay so I've been seeing this guy I'm really into since July & last week I had 'The Talk' w/ him about me having HSV2. I have told one other guy who took it well & we swiftly moved on. I let this new guy I've been seeing know that I'm one of the 'lucky' ones that done get 'Episodes' & so it doesn't affect my day to day life. He seemed to take it pretty well. He never stopped holding my hand & even kissed me when we parted. Later on that day he kept sending me texts saying how highly he thought of me & how pissed he was that my ex would do something like this to me. I let him know that I had already gotten past that phase & was accepting of where I was & didn't want him to feel bad for me. I thought he was taking it well & in the next two days we talked about it along w/ other normal conversation. Finally 2 days later I asked him where he stood on the issue-he stated he didn't know much about it, never had to deal w/ this issue before & the "risk" of getting it is what worries him. He then proposed that we go & see a doctor together. So now we have an apptment to go to a doctor on Saturday (my reg. Doctor is out of town currently
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