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  1. So, It was diagnosed 5 weeks ago, and have since by huge first OB, I have had 4 very tiny ones. Only having a few says break in between. Annoyingly, I have noticed when I ride by horses (I compete almost every weekend), and I have noticed a day or so after, I have another outbreak. I'm worried that this is my trigger. My OB do not bother me, they are just a little annoying, however, I would like a life outside work and horses without having to think about constantly having herpes!! If this is my trigger, would It be better confirming this? What can I do to help this? I don't think I could ever give up my competitions, and I'm a bit gutted to even think this!!
  2. Thank you so much for advice. Its so odd, because I don't know what its meant to be like after your first outbreak. Ive been ill for about 5 weeks now, ever since by first OB, and i don't know whether to go back to the GP and see whether this is normal, or not. My OB usually only last a day or two, MAX 3, then go for a few days, then return. Again, I'm just not sure. xx
  3. I know so many people on here are on the same boat, and I'm so sorry for repeating. About 4 weeks ago, I was horribly ill during my university exams, and had just got back together with my boyfriend of 3 years after a break. Although, what he failed to mention was that in between he'd contracted Herpes. Before I slept with him, I asked whether he had been checked out by a clinic. To which, he said yes. I didn't ask him if he'd had symptoms- I just assumed he'd been safe. Although, he had gone to the clinic for symptoms, and his tests had come back negative for everything. So sadly, with his undiagnosed symptoms, and my naivety, I have now been diagnosed with HSV-2. At the start, I had no one to turn to, who can you speak to about this, that wont treat you like you've been stupid and sleeping around- which I haven't. I'm 20 years old, and I feel like thats the end of my relationships as I know it. The guy in question decided he hadn't finished his dating and single life, and luckily for him the symptoms are mild, and he seems not to be in danger of this ruining his game. Joys. So he is no longer in contact. I don't mean to seem petty and spiky. But I can't help but feel so alone. I have been on antivirals twice in four weeks. I then am clear for a week maximum and I get a repeat outbreak. This is my 3rd time in 4 weeks. Im pretty heartbroken as I thought I would have at least has time to breathe and sort myself out in between them. I haven't even had time to think about it. My symptoms are now limited to one sore, which isn't painful or itchy. Just a bit red and a very small blister. But still, I'm so worried and paranoid about everything, whilst trying to get on with my UNI studies. Ive had a cold continuously for about 4 weeks too, could this be related? Should I try to see if I can get over this without the help of antivirals? Will this get any better on its own? Please help.
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