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  1. My only sexual partner is my current boyfriend of almost a year, and he has had other sexual partners before me. We first were sexual in March and never had sex without a condom. Around August we stopped using condoms and used the 'pull out' method'. Not smart but I was/am taking birth control so the condoms were just there for extra protection. We had sex in October and didn't pull out or use a condom and I started to burn really bad down there. It hurt to pee after sex and to even move, it was a lot of pain. I went to Planned Parenthood for Plan B, but was told I didn't need it because of the birth control I was actively taking. At that time I honestly thought I was just having an allergic reaction to his semen and that using condoms would put an end to that. But it didn't. Sex after that hurt. I felt tight and afterwards it hurt to touch down there, to pee or to even move. So I made and appointment to see and OBGYN. The doctor told me that there were some little cuts down there and it could be due to not an enough lubrication. She also ran tests for STDs and took a sample of one of my cuts (which really hurt)! I was shocked, having any type of STD never crossed my mind because my boyfriend always used condoms with people before me and he took my virginity. Early November the doctor told me I had herpes and I was so shocked because wow. My boyfriend never had any type of out break before me (We are very open and honest with each other, no one is cheating on the other) and we were recently just told that he is perfectly healthy. I was given meds to stop the outbreak and that first two weeks were so miserable. Finally around the third week, I started to feel better and I thought I had healed. So sex had begun again but very gentle. But right after I knew that I was about to have an outbreak because it hurt. And here I currently am, having an outbreak, that same one and having finished the 5 day supply of pills I was given to treat this one. My thing is, I have always had cold sores since I was young and so has my boyfriend. I don't think I have herpes, I think I am allergic to his semen because every time we don't pull out I end up feeling like this (only happened 3 times) and the herpes meds should of cleared up the genital herpes but I feel like it didn't. Is it possible that I don't have herpes down there but when they tested it showed positive for type 1 herpes (cold sores)? Because I feel like the meds should be helping me heal and there are not helping with healing at all. Thank you for reading.
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