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  1. I just got done with my first OB and my first round of antivirals and it seemed to have gone away. The blisters and things all healed and looked normal but a day later it started feeling weird to unrimate again. I am new to this and don't know if I should get a refill on my prescription and take another round of it or I'm just worrying myself over my new found wingman H. :/ what should I do?
  2. I have not told the boy anything but no more sex and I OB saw it visually and did a culture that came back positive .. I do nt have a job and no money to get the blood test unless I ask and tell my parents.
  3. I'm 20 years old and just started having sex with my new boyfriend. We never really got to have the talk about being clean or tested before one night we got heated and had sex in the moment and I gave him a condom but he took it off during sex. I didn't think nothing of it. Besides making me angry I enjoyed it and we kept having sex unprotected the next two days before we left school for winter break. A few days when I got home i really started hurting and noticed bumps so I went to my OB and found out o had Herpes type 2. I have only told a few peopel and have not talked to my boyfriend since. I live in a strict household and fear telling my parents. Should I or should I not? I also am debating wether to still talk to this guy or not and to tell him or not. I know I should but I go to a very small private college and don't want runors spreading plus when I told him I didn't wanna have sex anymore he quit talking to me all together . What should I do???? Please help. Also I'm still unclear on all the ways to spread it and how many outbreaks to expect. It makes me not want to have sex ever again. I feel dirty :(
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