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Posts posted by enlight67

  1. I feel like I have the most rare and most horrible case of mouth herpes. I had gotten this virus from a girl I was dating that gets cold sores . She had an episode of it and told me on a text . its been 3 years now so i cant remember all of it completely but I remember I made an excuse when she told me on a text . I waited 7 days or worst 5 days to avoid catching it. when I went on a date with her all I saw was tiny little scab on her upper lip . I thought of it as the probably the virus died out and not contagious anymore. I wasn't extremely careful catching it anyway because I was wrongfully diagnosed by medical field 3 times and I thought I already had it and it wouldn't affect me. this was our first kiss so it was long. I had a very bad primary infection on lip 1 sore and mostly inside my mouth the tongue cheeks and probably the roof of the mouth but i did not pay so much attention to the roof of the mouth as I was in so much pain. Now I never goten recurrent out break on my lip except the primary but I feel like I get it inside my mouth all the time. I remember when i had the primary these sores looked fluid filled blisters but the ones i get is like red dots either 1 or 2 and they don't hurt . i get red dots on my throat too but i think that's from a cold as i have runy nose and sore throat from it but i have no idea. now the tongue i always have tounge sore once a month from maybe inflamed taste bud or herpes I cant tell . none of the recurrent herpes that i think looks anything like the primamry infection but i dont know if the recurrent inside your mouth so small that you cant even notice it . I feel like this virus is playing games with me by making it look like something else. I went to so many dentists and doctors for it that I probably spended thousands. just to find out what this is . this month I was pretty close of getting it swabbed but my insurance wouldn't pay it and i didn't have the money to pay. Plus I think I was so terrified to know it that I didint want to . I don't know what I would do if I think these things inside the mouth are really herpes . I feel like the worlds greatest fool. i feel like if this is not herpes i could finally have a peace of mind but if it is I feel like I am doomed till the day I die and so scared to actually pushing it

  2. I haven't been on here for a while you probably know my story I got cold sore outbreak after I kissed a girl who just had a cold sore outbreak that day . I waited about 7 days when she told me on text when i saw her she had a little scab assumed it all healed after that i got cold sore my self. I feel like I made the biggest mistake of my life . its been almost a year now . I never had cold sore outside my mouth except once which was my primary infection. but ever since then I get pain on my tongue . Its not visible there is no blister or sores . it feels like I bite my tongue all day . I get this discomfort every month . Its extremely annoying problem that i cant take anymore . I think what I have is burning mouth syndrome . but my tongue doesn't feel like burning . it feels like I bite it and there is sharp pain like ingrown taste bud. does anyone have this problem ?

  3. I had a bump on the roof of my mouth that hurt pretty bad last night . It looked irritated. when I woke up this morning I didn't have pain and the bump was kind of almost gone. but the gum still looked irritated . dentist first taught it was irritation from eating hard food but then I told him my history of kissing my ex girlfriend that had a healed cold sore at the time . I know it was very stupid to kiss her like that but i waited for almost a week. and the cold sore was almost gone and I didint care about the cold sore cause I though i already had it and even if I don't I will get it anyway . that decision I made I will probably regret it for the rest of my life

  4. and I'm not a person that does stupid things like sleep around with as Manny people and not be cautious . I take this stuff seriously. your health is everything. I just did not see cold sore as a big deal because almost everyone has it and I use to read you can even catch it without sores . its something I'm gonna get or something I already have that's how I looked at it . I just didn't know

  5. I know its herpes cause she had one at the time . I waited for like a week and she still had it . it was in healing stage and she had a very little scab. very stupid thing to do but I thought it was not contagious anymore and i thought all this time I had it and was immune to it and almost everyone has it so I did not make a big deal about it and just didn't care. I'm gonna ask about this to infection specialist but i don't have insurance till January. Herpes doesn't like to stay inside the mouth right ? . I never even knew you could get it inside your mouth.

  6. Hi I haven't been on here for a while. I have question about herpes inside mouth . I got oral herpes from a girl friend I was seeing at that time . she had a cold sore and I waited for 7 days and then kissed her after assuming I was safe. I didn't take it seriously cause I knew almost everyone had it and I probably have it too. I got very sick and got it inside my mouth 1 on cheek , tongue and 1 outside . that was almost a year ago . I had very weird symptoms I had nerve pain for 2 months . it felt like my face was burning . As outbreaks I feel like I have been getting inside of my mouth and never outside . I had a very painful tongue and I'm getting confused if they are cold sore or canker sore. I had the worst tongue outbreak this august and it was a small ulcer it looked white and looked like my taste bud was enlarge it was soo painful. and after that was gone I have red dots on the roof of my mouth I went to dentist and he said it cant be herpes even when I told him I had it. he diagnosed that as blood blister of some kind that some people get and that its normal. My primary infection was inside and out and I heard people get it inside when they have primary infection exceptionally children cause there immune system is weak is that true ? Did this girl ruin my life and give me a very big dose of herpes virus and that's why I'm getting these things? Am I different than others that get cold sores ? And even if you get the virus doesn't your body throw some of the virus particles away ? how does it make difference of the amount of the virus you got from someone when that virus is active it makes millions of new viruses anyways? is there a test that would measure how much amount of the virus you got ?? ohh and also when I had it on my tongue it looked like the biggest canker sore i ever had and it looked yellow . I never had it like that after . and herpes don't like the mucus membrane it rather be on the outside right ? sorry I'm all over the place with the questions . I have so manny to ask and so little comfort .

  7. According to CDC 8 out of 10 are infected with cold sore virus how accurate is this ? I never really heard 80 % of population has herpes type 1 and will be almost 90 % by adult hood . if that's the case why is it not mentioned? why is it not mentioned if its soo common. I rarely see cold sore on anyone. I never heard 80 % population has it before I was infected

  8. I don't know but I have this red bump on my chin I have had it 2 days now it doesn't have any white head or anything should I be concerned its herpes ? anybody had herpes on their chin ? what did it look like ? my is not open sore there is no fluid coming out or anything . I m being very catious because I don't want to infect anyone

  9. I was gonna see a dermatologist but I have nothing to show . I posted before I did have a red inflamed taste bud on my tounge it looked like herpes but was gone on in a day which I don't think that was herpes it doesn't just go away in a day and it didn't hurt at all. pluss I don't have any money at the time to go see a doctor .

  10. my tongue hurts for 3 days i don't have any red bump or a canker sore . is it possible to have herpes on your tongue ? I have had terrible symptoms so far from tingly very uncomfortable feeling around my face . and now my tongue feels tingly and it hurts . my body is trying to fight it and its probably because of that but does it get any better ?

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