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  1. Adrial, I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago. I had a 4 month split from my boyfriend of 6 years and decided to date someone new to try and mend my broken heart. Three weeks into dating BAM.... suspicious symptoms south of the border. He confessed he gets cold sores so we are pretty sure thats how it happened. This was too much for me to handle from someone I had just started dating so I dropped the guy like a hot rock. A week later my ex has come back begging to be with me again but how do I tell him THIS ??? Ive decided I dont need to yet ...or at least for awhile untill I come to terms with this and as long as him and I arent sleeping together. Ive come to learn that you dont go around telling everyone about this and you must find someone "safe" to talk to. I chose my therapist today and that was the first time Ive told anyone. Ive spent hours on end reading the internet and I am astonished at how very few people there are out there like you, Adrial. You are literally picking people up out of the depths of emotional trauma. My sexual identity is a massive part of who I am and when this happens your sexual confidence feels rocked. I watched a post with you and a young girl from Hawaii. Your candid, sweet, and incredibly honest conversation with her moved me in a way I cant explain. I Wanted to reach through the screen and hug you two beautiful people. I am fearful some days, mourning a bit of loss of freedom and unsure of the future between my ex and I but because of you I am not alone in this world and that is about the only reason I am able to keep going and enjoy everything in my life.... I think about your words everyday
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