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Posts posted by kate2300

  1. Thanks Katidid. I know you are right, it's hard not to worry about his position though as I don't want him to resent me in the future, or regret his choice. I guess I'll stick with the assumption that he will be fine as there is a 99% chance he will be since we are taking all the precautions and just trust his judgment about what is best for him. Great to hear your husband has remained H- in all that time!

  2. So I have had HSV2 for over 3 years now. When I initially found out I was devastated, terrified, my life is over, all that stuff. It has taken me 3 years (stuck to dating H+ ppl for the first 2 years) but I finally had the guts to make my first disclosure a couple of weeks ago. It was successful! It has really helped me see that it was my own beliefs about my worth (or lack of due to herpes) that had been holding me back. Not the skin condition itself.




    I had spent so much time focused on my fear of disclosure and being rejected that I didn't put much thought into how being in a relationship with an H- negative partner was going to feel. I know the chance of transmission is low with avoiding sex during outbreaks, condoms and medication BUT there still is a risk. Now all I can think about is how terrible I will feel if I pass this on. He isn't hung up about it, we don't even discuss it so I know I should accept that he has made an informed decision but I feel he is operating under the impression that if we are careful he won't get it. But he might!


    I think my problem is I have been thinking about this with the idea that "The right person will accept me and want to be with me because they will realize it is silly to reject someone they care about over something that only has a 1% chance of happening". But now I'm realizing it could very well happen anyway and unless you are planing on getting married (It's only been a month of dating so no guarantees) how could you ask anyone to take the risk of having to deal with this for the rest of their life?


    Has anyone had this issue when dating a H- partner? I feel like all my hard work of accepting myself and H was built around the idea that I would never give this to someone. The realization that I might is making me feel down and unworthy all over again :(



  3. What is the general consensus on using herpes dating sites to meet other people in the same boat?


    Have checked it out and it seems like most single people with H probably aren't using these sites as the number of active profiles doesn't seem to reflect the statistics.


    It seems like such a great option for meeting people who will accept you but I have to assume that it's not a popular one.

    Can anyone share their opinion or experiences with these types of sites?

  4. Hi WCSDancer2010


    Thanks for the welcome and for answering my question. I'll see if I can find an OBGYN or a doctor that deals with STDs specifically. I keep having prodrome symptoms but can't see any physical signs so feel like the suppressive therapy might help that. I're read a lot of stuff about Lysine and seems like a lot of doctors and experts don't believe it should be used as has no effect but sounds like you know people who have had success with it? I guess that would have no effect on reducing viral shedding though..?


    Thanks again for your comments and the welcome. Feel so relieved to talk to anyone about anything to do with this.

  5. Hi all.


    I have been recently diagnosed with HSV2. Besides feeling very overwhelmed and daunted about the prospect of living with this I don't know who to go see for further treatment. I was tested at a walk in clinic and they told me to go see a gyeno for further treatment and discussions of suppressive therapy.


    I don't have health insurance and am from Australia so don't have a regular doctor or gyeno yet. I have just recovered from my initial outbreak but still have what sounds like prodrome symptoms going on - itching, aches in my groin e.t.c but no sores anymore. Feel like I should get straight on suppressive therapy to see if I can get rid of these symptoms but obviously I'm hoping a doctor can advise me on that.


    Any advice on who I need to go and see? Also is it usual to get straight on suppressive therapy or are you supposed to wait and see how bad and often your outbreaks are?

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