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Everything posted by OceanWaves

  1. Thank MMissouri! The OBs are external. And yes I can tell when I am havign prodromes, at least I think I can, but I'm not always sure. Until now I've erred on the side of taking acyclovir when I have extra sensation or an unfamiliar sensation in the OB area. That is a concern of mine though: I've been HSV2 positive for less than a year and OBs have decreased but I don't think I've mastered symptom recognition --- figured the suppressive therapy would help/make that moot???
  2. Hello wonderful folks! So the above is my situation, I've met an amazing guy who is negative and we are figuring out what safe sex options and practices will make sense for us. I'm interested in hearing from those of you in discordant relationships - what safe sex methods do you use to reduce the risk of transmission to your partners? Particularly interested in hearing from genital HSV2 positive women with partners who are negative for HSV1 and negative for HSV2. I'm familiar with suppressive therapy which I am starting, and its reduction of transmission rates (approx 4% transmission rate from female to male w/o male condoms which is reduced by 48% using suppressive therapy according to published studies). Neither I or my partner are fully comfortable having sex without protection due to my HSV2 positive status and other reasons so I'd like to hear the experiences of other couples - what methods do you use besides condoms, suppressive therapy. In particular what's the story with these: -he can keep his boxers on to prevent skin to skin contact: haven't tried this yet but it seems sort of impractical/could cause more friction and risk of skin irritation/tears for me? -what dosage of drugs do you use? 500 mg? more? is higher dosage more effective at reducing transmission rates as far as you know or have you seen studies on this? -female condoms: are they any more or less benefits to using these than a male condom? -what about if I use alcohol rub on myself....seems like it'd be harsh on my skin but maybe there is another gentler product? -what herbal products or other immune system boosters do folks w/o HSV take to reduce risk of transmission to your negative partner? -are you aware of research showing the transmission rates from GHSV2 positive woman to negative man using both condoms, and supressive therapy! Thanks!
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