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Everything posted by unknown1818

  1. @PositivelyBeautiful thanks for the information. I think I was able to find my answer by doing some research. It said that even though breakouts are in that area or on the thigh that doesn't mean shedding is not happening in the genital area, and to keep in mind that it is in the nerve. Since that nerve is going from the genital area to the area of the OB, then it is likely that they are shedding in the genital area as well. If more people can shine some light as well it is much appreciated, because I am always open to getting more information to help educate myself on this virus. :)
  2. Hi, I have been dating someone who has HSV 1 and HSV 2. I am HSV 1+ and HSV 2-. My question is where does viral shedding occur when someone is no t having an OB? For example, she has OB's on upper buttock area and inner thigh. Does she only shed the virus where she get sores? Or does she shed everywhere including the vaginal area? I am just curious because everywhere I have read is that it is transmitted to other partners through sexual intercourse.... So I am trying to evaluate the possibilities of catching it even with a condom on I don't feel like it will provide protection when she is having OB's in those areas.
  3. @WCSDancer2010- Thank you, I appreciate the information that you have given me. @aliveanwell- She is a good girl…. It's just I have to see if these feelings are real or what not, and if they are if I am willing to take the risk. I just turned 30, so I am still somewhat young, and I have to contemplate if I want to take the risk and if it doesn't work out that I will have HSV 2….
  4. @WCSDancer2010 also, since she has outbreaks on the upper buttock area/lower back and on the back of the thigh is this where the virus sheds too? Like for example, since she does not have OB in the vaginal area and we are having sex with condom or without does that mean it could be harder for me to contract the virus through vaginal penetration? Also, can I get the virus from the breakout areas if my thigh or boxer area touches her OB area?
  5. @WCSDancer2010 Thank you for the information. Well, she got the results back and she is HSV 1 and 2. Now my question is since she is HSV 1 and I have HSV 1, and hers is oral HSV 1 and mine is most likely oral too. What are the chances of us spreading to each other where we get both breakouts in the genital area through oral sex? I've read if you have one of the viruses that you can't have OB in other areas….
  6. @MMissouri I didn't look at that perspective, but she went to get tested to see if she has HSV 1. As for me taking valtrex or suppressive medicine that conversation has not been brought up yet. But to my understanding since she already has HSV 2 breakouts on her thigh and lower back I have read that she can't get HSV 1 in the genital area since she already has HSV 2 down there. Is that true? @Beachdude1984 @PositivelyBeautiful @WCSDancer2010 Thank you for you input. I will take everything you said into consideration. I just didn't want to make an irrational decision based on ignorance on my part. I really didn't know much about the virus until now other than the stigma that comes with it. But for now, I am going to take it slow, have an open conversation with her, explain my views, and take it from there to see if my feelings continue to grow with her or dwindle down. I think this approach will be best for the both us, and who knows her feelings may change towards me as well where it could of only been a physical attraction and not emotional attraction.
  7. Hi, I met a girl who is HSV Type 2. I recently got tested and I am positive with type 1 and negative with type 2 (for now). We did have intercourse not too long ago, and now I am worried about the possibility of being positive (the condom broke). She has had it for about five years now, and hasn't had an OB since over summer. I have been trying to educate myself on this virus over the past week, and went to go get tested last week. Hence the reason on how I found out I was type 1. I like this girl, and she has a lot going on for her and what she can bring to the table, and compliments mine contributions as well. Obviously, being human nature I am a little in fear. I mean if I wasn't I would be a senseless person. The reason being why I am in fear is because I know both types have no cure. She just started to take suppressive therapy, and I wanted to know how long should we wait until we have intercourse again for the therapy to start reducing the OB's. I am going to take it slow (meaning keep it PG) for now until I do decide if I like her, or if the feelings were just lust. So far we have only been talking for about a month, so the relationship between us is still in the beginning stages. I am going to get tested again in about a month or month and half because my doctor mentioned that I will be negative for HSV 2 since I was exposed to it a little over a week ago, and my body hasn't had time to develop antibodies yet. I did get tested for other STD's and HSV 1 and 2 because I like a lot of people didn't know if I had one, or both, and I found out I have type 1. Although I have not had a cold sore, or I may have, but I could of been too young to remember. Also, I was reading if someone has type 1 and becomes exposed to type 2 that they may have some antibodies that can fight off against type 2. How true is that? Sorry for the long essay, but I am trying to get as much educated on this issue as I can. One to help me determine if I want to stay with this girl, and two, to see how safe is it. I know there is always a risk, but I am stats kind of guy, so maybe you can give me scenarios (e.g. I have a better chance of getting killed in a car crash every year than catching it from this girl). Thanks!
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