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Posts posted by Labyrinthgddss

  1. I just told everyone. And I also told them I dont know how I got it. When I found out I was working at a different job and I told my female coworkers-they helped me research it and everything. It is scary. It is terrifying to think of dating because now its not just you-its you with something that can be life altering. When I found out, I had no idea where i got it from because I am super careful about protection and such- so I am pretty convinced that I got it when I was younger because I dont remember ever having OBs (however later i was able to identify OB and I realized I have had them most of my life). We only found out because my dr ran a full blood work during my physical and I was sexually active at the time. I felt such shame having to call my exs and tell them-but they took it like men (lol) and a few assured me they get tested regularly for that kind of stuff so it was ok.

    What I got from telling others who didn't know me was occassionally scorn but I know those people aren't worth my time. Those who know and love me, yes even my exs, are there for me. Always.

    Yup, there can be public shame. However I just remind them that 8 in 10 people don't know they have the herpes virus, so me knowing I have it means a better chance of making sure I don't spread it to others and that I am better prepared to protect those I am involved with. :)

  2. There was another member on this site that used it as her "wing man" and totally owned it. She had it on her dating profiles and basically used it to weed out the ones that would be flighty. Wish I could remember her name...but anyways I decided that idea was an awesome idea and incorporated it into my dating profile- with some mixed results. Lol you can always tell which don't read and just judge based on pictures. So typically I would just straight up ask right off the bat-how do you feel abt dating someone with herpes. There were also times when I would tell them to go read my profile then decide if they actually wanted to talk to me. Honestly, it doesn't matter if they live in your city-if it's a big enough city chances are you wont see them.

  3. Hey I would love a H buddy in the Houston, Tx area- male/female doesn't matter. It wound be nice to have someone who understands and lives in my area. I do have to agree with others-using the term H buddy does sound funny. I have had herpes abt 10 months maybe a little longer so having someone to talk things through would be so very helpful!

  4. I'm glad I found this forum because one site I found basically said that if we have herpes we need to wipe the toliet afterwards so we don't spread it and that people can get it from using towels that others have used. Not gonna lie it freaked me out. Especially since they made it seem like we can't go swimming anymore since we can (according to them) spread the virus in the pool water. Even without an OB. Since I found out I had HSV 2 I have tried to keep my nephew from drinking after me (he thinks its funny to steal my food/drinks) because the other site made me super paranoid. Btw I only found the site because I was researching coconut oil and the mentioned using it to help minimize OBs.

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