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Everything posted by Mulberry

  1. thank you dancer! My first "diagnosis" was simply visual. Looking back, I don't trust that doctor, it was from a small town, and the doctor's there often were just terrible. I just had my first ever saw test. The sore had been there for over a week so hopefully it's accurate. I know they can be ulcer type sores, but mine still are not typical at all. Is it okay to post pictures on this site? I really want to, to get other's opinions. Paper cuts, to pimples, to ulcers, there must be several different types of HSV 2 then? hmm. Thank you for your response. I very much look forward to the results. Now if I can only get my partner to get tested. He's never had an outbreak so he would have to get a blood test right?
  2. I'm new here, first post. Glad I found this place. I was diagnosed with herpes at a urgent care walk in clinic almost 4 years ago. I seem to have the classic symptoms, ongoing outbreaks, sores that hurt like hell, take acyclovir with outbreaks. But..when I look at pics of herpes online, I've never seen pics that look like what I have. My sores NEVER tingle OR itch. And they sure don't look like blisters and they don't grow in small clusters. I typically have 3-6 mostly huge, up to 3/4"+ ulcers filled with white gunk. They're on the inside of my inner lips. My outbreaks haven't gotten better. I have had several mild outbreaks, but I am just healing from my 4th massive outbreak where even increasing acyclovir to the prescribed outbreak dosage, I don't heal as quickly as I should. I'm hoping to post a pic in here. I've been checked for HIV, Syphilis, and every other main STD. I finally just got my first herpes test done 2 dad ago, cannot wait for the results. It looks like I have chancroid. But why would it come back unless my partner of 4 years keeps re infecting me with him showing no symptoms. We always use condoms. Did not in the beginning cause I apparently had no STD's. After having sex with him for I dunno how long 1-4 weeks, I'm doing my best to figure it out, I broke out with sores. My first outbreak, a sore was so large it left a big scar. Anyone??
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