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  1. Hi! I'm new here, however I've been scouring this site since i was given the news. Really grateful for all the information and can see its a really community full of support. I was diagnosed but a doctor by sight. I really had a text book first outbreak. Every symptom I could check off. The doctor was really great and offered me a blood test but told me that test would most likely come back negative as the antibodies haven't been given enough time. I opted for the test anyway and asked to get every other STD on the menu tested as well. Doc was right, I came back negative... for all so that offered me some relief. It's been 5 months and I am still yet to get another test. I'm grasping on to what little hope I have of not having it. Maybe just maybe I was misdiagnosed. I had scabies on my legs at the same time from staying in hostels!! So maybe it's scabies... But I know it's not. I know i'm in denial. I got my first outbreak 5 months ago. And... It was awful! Extremely painful. But 5 months later the outbreaks have been nothing but One or two sores. Barely painful at all, more just tingly. What a relief! I'm learning that living with herpes is not so bad. Stigma being the real negative. I'm currently on anti viral, which I only take whenever I feel something coming on and I'm healed in 3-4 days and now when ever i know i'm going to see my bf and have sex. I have a question about everybody's triggers. I seem to have no triggers other than sex. I can drink alcohol, drugs, eat unhealthily, be super stressed, tired everything and I never get an outbreak. However I get an outbreak every time I have sex! I can't find anything on the internet of anyone with a similar experience. I now take antivirals 10 days before I see my bf (who lives in italy) and it seems to stop the outbreak. Anyone our there with a similar experience? I've done so much research on this virus, it's almost an obsession. I feel like i've become really educated on a topic that i was once super ignorant about!! But i can't find anything on sex being the only trigger? Ps. I am taking a test next month when I'm back in Germany. It's time to meet my herpes, i'm ready now.
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