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  1. Thank you so so much for your replies, this helps me a great deal. I know him really well and I know he cares about me and doesn't just want sex. We haven't even talked about that much, just in flirty conversion, but I know this is something we both want as well as spending time together. I wouldn't want someone to come along with me travelling if i didn't trust them, so luckily he is someone i know I can trust a lot. I'm thinking I should tell him soon. Can I ask which hand outs you mean? is there files i can send him so he gets knows the real facts? thanks again, you have made me feel so much better!
  2. I can't sleep thinking about this and i would really appreciate any advice. I was diagnosed a few months ago and have never had to disclose to anyone. I have started seeing a guy. I have known him for a long time as friends and it was a suprise that we both got together as we hadn't seen each other for years. We went the same music festival together and we ended up seeing each other. We live in different countries so we had to leave after the festival. I will see him again in a few weeks when i leave the country to go travelling. He wants to go travelling with me as he is already travelling himself and I am happy with this. I care about him a lot but The only thing is i know i have to tell him before things go further, but I don't know how because of the situation. I will not see him in person for a few weeks and I am afraid if i tell him then he would feel i duped him into going with him without knowing this information. Should I tell him in a message or over the phone now? or wait until I see him in person even though that might me too late? I am so lost and I don't know what to say or do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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