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  1. I got diagnosed, had my first outbreak (it was HELL!! fever, aches, pains, chills, the works!) i thought i felt a lesion saturday night ( no other symptoms) i went to the pharmacy the next day and started my antivirals, by sunday night/monday morning the lesion was gone. i've been taking my pills just incase (very half ass tho its three times a day and i've been forgetting the third almost every night since tuesday). I'm going to keep taking them out of fear of messing w/ meds etc. also, unrelated but interesting, about 1 to 2 weeks before my first outbreak i had a strange rash that started on my neck one sunday morning. by monday morning it had spread down my arms, legs, sides (not on any genital regions), i went to the doctor who ran a food allergy panel (all came back negative) and a blood test that checked to see if it was an allergic reaction (which it came back as). does this have anything to do with herpes? or is this unrelated? i was put on an antihistamine and steriods and they went away right away and felt better. 2 weeks later i had my first herpes outbreak. thanks for the help guys. you guys are great.
  2. Thank you all for the help it has been a little over a week since this started and I feel like my normal self again.
  3. Thanks you guys. I'm hopeful, but I've sunk into a depression today..I haven't left my bed all day haven't eaten just sleeping..
  4. I got my blood work results back yesterday, positive for herpes. my gyno was 90% sure that would be the case when I left his office monday. I've been feeling like a zombie since Saturday night with little to no relief. I can handle the flu like symptoms, head ache, back of my eyes feeling like exploding, aches and pains, what I can not handle is how much it hurts to urinate. They put me on phenix opt riding to ease the pain when I go, all it has done is make my urine orange. I work in a very high pace environment where I am on my feet all day, my cell phone has a pedometer and on an average work day I walk about 6 to 7 miles. Last night it was clear I felt sick, my manager asked me to leave early she said "you look like your either going to pass out or vomit, go home". Now I live up north and am going to have to deal with this snow storm today but fortunately from the comfort of my bed. There 5 days have been absolutely hellish. I want to urinate without being almost brought to tears I'm scared I'll be like this forever. The doctor put me on acyclovir 3 times a day. I just took my third this morning. When will I start to feel relief??? The sores feel better when I'm not on my feet running around but I still feel sick and want to cry everytime I even think about using the bathroom. to top it off I took plan b last week Tuesday and am now on my period. I believe in karma and I don't know what I did, who I screwed over so badly that for the past 5 days I have been in my own personal hell. Besides my last sexual partner, my best friend is the only person who knows about my diagnosis. When I told her she surprised me by saying she has it too, she says it gets much easier and less frequent. It's difficult to relax and just be sick at home because I love with my parents and I don't want to tell them. I hope that soon these symptoms will reside and this will just be a painful memory.
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